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  1. G

    glenolam's madness - April passed away

    She still appears hunched a bit and seems to favor the right leg, but she no longer scuffles her feet as she walks - she picks them up to walk. She actually played a little yesterday morning and headbutted Fudgie, which I took as a good sign. Pee and Poo are normal, so if I could get her to...
  2. G

    multi-purpose cleaner or countertop cleaner/disinfector

    hiker...what thread is that? Sorry if I duplicated - I looked around and didn't see anything so figured I'd start one. Great ideas everyone and thanks for letting me know about the vinegar - I was afraid to even try it because I can't stand the smell. I like the idea of lemon, though! And I...
  3. G

    glenolam's madness - April passed away

    Well, the goats are still alive. However, one of the chicks is not. Seems that they aren't bomb proof so when you toss a bale into the goat pen and the goats come charging, the chicks better get out of the way or they'll get trampled.... :/ Poor thing must have suffered some internal...
  4. G

    Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

    Sounds like you have been really busy! I've got to clean out the goat barn and just don't want to. Sorry about the cat situation. I'm not sure what to say other than they'll just have to figure it out...either that or someone will have to come home to you. Maybe OFG wants to take one? :cool:
  5. G

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    What a bummer OFG.... Did you run out there, overalls half on cause you were doing the bidness and wave your arms around like a freak? That'd make the story least for me! Seriously, though, what a shame. I sure hope you can recover from that!
  6. G

    multi-purpose cleaner or countertop cleaner/disinfector

    Does vinegar leave that vinegar smell? I hate that... I have found that warm water and soap leave a film at my house, so I stopped using it a while back when I found the windex stuff.
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    Savingdogs-Saving the chickens

    My cat Sylvie will clean out my dog Morgan's ears when she's laying down. Morgan has little floppy ears, so Sylvie will walk over, flip the ear back and start cleaning them. I have to clean out her ears quite often because they get really nasty...I don't know how she licks them!
  8. G

    Bubblingbrooks Journey - Salut!

    What got me was this part: So...that means someone ELECTED to become pregnant with a baby destined to be aborted for the sole purpose of this project?
  9. G

    multi-purpose cleaner or countertop cleaner/disinfector

    Is the warm water just to dissolve the borax and baking soda? or do I need to heat up the solution every time I want to use it? 'Cause I use the other stuff on a daily basis...
  10. G

    How to make a covered litterbox

    Mine do it because I forget to take out the clumps :hide
  11. G

    glenolam's madness - April passed away

    Well, from what I know (which isn't much apparantly :/ ) it's just white tail deer. But as we know with Lyme disease, it could very well adapt to other types of deer at some point in time. I would doubt you have it in your area because it's more known on my side of the US, but it's possible...
  12. G

    multi-purpose cleaner or countertop cleaner/disinfector

    I love love love the Windex multiuse cleaner spray and use it for everything, but it's starting to look really expensive now that I'm making my own laundry detergent and all ;) I tried diluting bleach into a squirt bottle but that just doesn't leave the countertops as nice looking as I...
  13. G

    How to make a covered litterbox

    Why can't I just be a brainiac and come up with this stuff myself? I've been complaining for years about the cats peeing over the side of the litter box....and I have a bunch of totes lying around! Thanks for the tip!
  14. G

    glenolam's madness - April passed away

    Great as long as it spits out quack quack 2.16 cc quack quack 1.56 cc quack quack :D
  15. G

    My own 10 questions for you

    Since I scored big time and met a man with a bunch of land and a desire to start farming...except now he's ready to throw in the towel and I'm just getting started! My mother hates the fact that I'm living as she grew up. Says she worked hard so we wouldn't have to "live this way" :rolleyes...
  16. G

    glenolam's madness - April passed away

    Pretty much where ever there's white tail deer there's deer worm (meningeal). It might not really matter if they come into your pasture/yard or not, the slugs and snails crawl their way onto your property with the eggs attached. It's the first time I've had to deal with this, and I could very...
  17. G

    glenolam's madness - April passed away

    Who would ever guess that I have a degree in accounting? Not me, that's for sure. I go and give April her 20ccs of Safeguard, which she so unhappily took and then went and filled syringes of ivomec for the other girls. Here's where math comes in... 1cc / 75# So I've got 100# x2, 160# x2...
  18. G

    glenolam's madness - April passed away

    Thanks Yes, k, the vet said to inject the ivomec...sorry, forgot to write that part in. What a bummer it's been at my place with these durn goats the past few months! I wanted to cut back on grain as I usually do during the summer months since no one is bred or lactacting (with the exception...