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  1. I

    broody hen question *update* pg 2

    Given what you have learned, what would you keep an eye out for? And how would you intervene? I have my first broody. She seems to go out once a day for about 20 minutes. I leave food and water near her the rest of the day. I really don;t know how much she is eating and drinking. Sorry...
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    broody hen question *update* pg 2

    Sam Elliott???:idunno
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    What activities is your child involved in?

    I've been trying to keep the activites down, but with little success. Both of my kids take piano lessons, dance lessons, and swimming lessons. They do activities with church and scouts, sing in choir, and are both involved in a science co-op and a history co-op. They also do regional theater...
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    Making Raised Garden Beds Question

    I have lanscaping cloth on the bottom of mine. That might help keep the critters out.
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    Homestead Sitter?

    I recommend asking around in the homeschooling community for a homestead sitter. The families have flexible hours and often have homestead experience. Inchworm
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    TEA Anyone?

    That one left me scratching my head, too, CARS. At the current rules, my parents' estate will be taxed in 2011. We are by no means rich. My father was a blue collar worker and my mother was a stay-at-home-mom until she was in her mid-forties, at which point she got a job making minimum wage...