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  1. I

    Inchworm's cocoon - busy spinning away

    I understand that they will, except for the swimming thing. I was planning on giving the duck back to the person I got the egg from. She keeps chickens and ducks in the same barn. They get along just fine. If I thought I could keep my cats from killing the duckling, I would keep it. I guess...
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    Inchworm's cocoon - busy spinning away

    The duckling pipped today. The anticipation is driving me nuts. You can feel the duckling wriggling and wriggling around in there. In the irony of life, I lost my first hen today (after about 18 months). I let them free range on days when we are mostly home. We left for a little over an...
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    Help! Pipping egg question

    Oh, no!!:fl
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    Help! Pipping egg question

    Thanks! It's going to be a long day! :pop Inchworm
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    Apparently I am an idiot :(

    I bought my 4 wyandotte chicks all at the same time. One always had a bigger and redder comb. Someone else with more chicken experience tried to tell me she was a roo. I held onto her and she is indeed a she and her comb now looks like everyone else's. Maybe she is just an early bloomer. Inchy
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    Help! Pipping egg question

    My broody hen is sitting on a duck egg. My kids picked it up and ran into the house to tell me it has pipped. They put it back under the hen, but is it supposed to be facing a certain way? Right now, the pip is facing upwards. Is it supposed to be under her breast area still? I am a nervous...
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    Apparently I am an idiot :(

    I wouldn't get rid of Pat until it crows.... Inchy, being an optimist today
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    How Did You Get to Today?

    Hi Lonelilly, Our dreams have changed over the years. Our core dream was our core values in faith and family. Who we are as people and what we value has largely stayed the same over 25 years. How we get to that point has changed and will continue to change as our circumstances change. We...
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    Apparently I am an idiot :(

    Send us a pic of her/him to confirm. I had a pullet with a large red comb that I was suspicious of. She is still a she :D Inchy
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    Aidenbaby's Anti-Suburban Sprawl

    Kelle, Sorry to hear you are going through a rough patch. We all hit them at some point, often when we least expect it. I must admit that adulthood has turned out to be harder than I expected :/ Not really knowing anything, I suspect dh is dealing with some issues of his own -- some lost...
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    Inchworm's cocoon - busy spinning away

    I added some nursery tomato plants to the garden. I planted most of the stem and pinched off the flowers. Of course, now the ones I started indoors have perked up and look more promising. It will be interesting to compare them against the nusery plants. I also picked up some stevia. I've...
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    What's your real age? Do you know?

    Geesh, you guys are still wee babes! Inchy
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    Inchworm's cocoon - busy spinning away

    We had a 12-year old house guest (my oldest's best friend) this week. Her family needed to go out of town to deal with a problem and they asked if she could stay with us. Her visit was a real affirmation that we parent the way we do for a reason :rolleyes: Over the course of the week, I could...
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    Speed reader on Cap. Hill. Was this supposed to be funny?

    A 900 page bill isn't a bill, it's a straight-jacket. There shouldn't be 900 page bills. Period.
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    Bee~ Journal of then...

    Oh, I saw a calf in a field of buttercups today. It was so beautiful!
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    Speed reader on Cap. Hill. Was this supposed to be funny?

    I saw a clip today that Congress hired a speed reader to read the 900- page climate bill out loud so fast that no one could understand any of it. Then the speed reader didn't even finish it. Not to mention that not a single person who voted on it read (or listened to) the whole thing! Who's...
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    NoobieChickenLady's Journal - SS Score and Mah Kitteh is HOME!! Yay!

    The more I do for SS, the more my view changes. I went to a friend's house in the suburbs and helped her cook dinner. Cleaning up, I looked in the trash can -- full of food. All that free chicken food and all that free compost going to be sealed up in a plastic bag to be preserved in the...
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    Jason closes his journal... Thanks!! I love you!!

    I say take an extra pain pill and nap it off in the hammock. Inchy
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    Inchworm's cocoon - busy spinning away

    Thanks! I'll save the soapy water from the lunch dishes. This morning, ended up digging out a ditch by hand that drains the seasonal spring. Go figure - too much water where I don't want it and not enough where I need it! Someone came out last weekend to give us an estimate on installing a...
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    Inchworm's cocoon - busy spinning away

    I have laregly been avoiding the journals, but lately I have been enjoying the conversations on them. I thought I would start one, even if it is just a conversation with myself. That can be really helpful, you know ;) I also hope to figure out how to post some pics soon. Things I need to...