I found it was less of a service and more of a requirement. The mortgage company wants to make sure you are paying for insurance and the property taxes because it insures them against loss. If you have more money down, they might let you out of it -- certainly worth a call. The last time we...
The day was going along just fine, but several small things happened at once that just popped my balloon. The worst is that dh didn't get a job he had interviewed for that he felt he was going to get. Rejecting me is one thing, but rejecting someone I love hurts like the dickens!
Singing the...
I don't know if I have the backbone to actually do it, but I would fire him. I went through an apprenticeship in a small shop in the early part of my career. The whole character of the shop would change every time we got a new employee or lost one. The deadwood needs to be cut out to keep...
Another thing I haven't seen mentioned is where a car would plug in. We have 200 amp service, but our breaker box is full. I assume we would need to pay for an electrican to come in and rewire the box, or install the appropriate plug, or worse yet - run additional service to the house :( We...
Gee. I've seen enough of your yard and your outdoor cooking to know it's where we are heading for vacation this year. How does August 12th sound?
One day I found BYC ---now I have 8 chickens and am hatching my first duck eggs.
One day I visited SS --- now I make bread and yogurt and I'm planning my rain barrel system.
One day I visited TEG --- now I have leeks and potatoes and peas in the garden.
I'm not going to visit Backyard Herds...
I cracked them and scrambled them and poured them into ice cube trays. Then I put the frozen cubes into a bag. Each cube works out to be about 3/4 of an egg.
Last year was a big year for me.
So far this year:
1. I learned to make yogurt.
2. I started making artisan bread and pizza crust.
3. I expanded the garden to include leeks, peas, and potatoes.
4. I froze eggs.
5. I squirreled away 3 months of living expenses.
I totally agree - we DO need insurance for those things. I'm suggesting that we should reconsider insurance for routine doctor's office visits, bumped knees, and boo-boos. Unfortunately, insurance was originally designed for things that were UNLIKELY to happen. It's gambling in a...
Last year, we switched to a high deductible health insurance plan because the premiums were so much cheaper. I then saved the difference in the premiums as our private little health care fund that we used to pay doctor bills, etc. Even with an emergency room visit and many cardiologist...
Right on the heels of the announcement that Medicare is going bankrupt sooner than thought. Now the government will have 2 health systems they can't run .....
Hey Peddler!
I used your basket method and my taters have finally sprouted! Thanks for the info. I wouldn't have done taters if I hadn;t seen your baskets.
Hey Jackie,
My husband just suggested the other day we try a trash can rather than pay all the $ for a "rain barrel" . How has your trash can worked out? Is it sturdy enough?
My broody hen is letting me approach her, but her feathers stick out on end. Her chest is also bare of feathers. Is that normal for broody hens? She seems to have 1 maasive, runny poo per day.