I own a Stihl 029 saw and have had it for years, I have bent the guide bar and I am looking online for a new one. I want to upgrade from the Stihl bar to another one (mainly because Stihl bars are stupid high and i can get a better bar for the same price) anyway my problem is the saw web sites...
Liberty overalls have changed their strap design and now has a bent piece of junk slide adjustment on them and the dang things keep sliding down which to me is more frustrating that pants falling down. Is there a way to fix this problem short of sewing them in place or pinning them in place? Has...
I turned an old push mower into a chipper shredder for free. All i did is cut a hole in the deck above the blade welded a funnel shaped opening out of some old stud plates i had laying around, sharped the blade all the way to the bolt and let her rip. It does an awesome job and turns soft stuff...
API news reports a Navy captain and a chief petty officer on board an un named ship have died as a result of complications from the H1N1 vaccine. The report said the ship was quarintined at sea for 21 days as they sent 11 doctors to assist. Several people were reported to have the flu on the...
I have had the misfortune to have a cut infected with MRSA staph. it is healing from the inside out and has to be packed and dressed every night. The confounded tape has given me an awful rash and hurts like the dickens when it is removed. i have recently been able to down size to a large band...
hey all i just found the most awesome website called earth clinic. i did a search on here and didnt find it mentioned anywhere. It has the most awesome info and collection of remedies ive ever seen.here is the site .
Down here in Alabama we are on the verge of kudzu blooms, i have already smelled the grapish aroma in the air. My question is have any of you made kudzu blossom jelly, is it good and is it worth the effort. I am told by some folk that it is a great tasting jelly. I need a recipe if any one has...
there is speculation that when this cap and trade is set into motion that the utility bills may sky rocket. That being said what are some ways we can offset the cost of heating and cooling, cooking and driving. I personally will have to eliminate A/C, heat only with wood, cook out on the open...
well how in the world is every one? I've been away for a while and am just getting back, or at least just getting caught up. you know a fella misses the internet when its not available. im trying to catch up on what is going on but dang yall have been busy. :)
Im not gonna be around the next few days and wanted to wish everyone a merry Christmas. I hope yall get all you need from ole Santa this year and I hope to see yall back here real soon. :)
Hey ive borrowed a computer to say sorry about my "friend" Scott AKA Dixie. He told me what he had done and the responses he was getting and i made him go in and delete it. FYI he is not really a friend of mine just someone i know. especially Sorry to quail and farmer chick for him, i read what...
as you probably know i am a firefighter. I work in a major city and we got word yesterday to expect cut backs and were ordered to begin cutting back on items we use if at all possible and that there will be no new hires in the near future. I have also heard of city's laying off police and...
I am getting together a seed supply from an heirloom seed company and have bought seeds in bulk from the local Co-Op. What is the best way to save the seeds and what should they be stored in?
I was put on a non toxic pig and poultry wormer called Pig Swig by La Gear. My Co-Op rep says he uses it with great results. I'm using it for my hen's. The 2 good things i found out about it is its supposed to be non-toxic and the egg quarantine time is 72 hours, which can be alot of egg saving...
You'll have to pardon my ignorance but I see wheat in all these emergency food storage item lists. What can you do with it, i know you can make bread but what else and does anyone have the recipe's for the foods we're supposed to make with all this wheat we are going to store. again pardon my...
I couldnt decide where to post this question, so here goes. I have a 4 wheeler i use on the property for hauling wood, manure, etc. and it wont stay running. i checked the fuel for water and the plug for spark and blew out the carb. it will crank but goes dead when i try to throttle it up. it...