I had an empty apartment that needed work. Wednesday we went in and cleaned the wood floors, scraping paint drips, gum, candle wax, small paper stars, etc, anything that could have gotten on or into wood flooring in the past 60 years. Then we washed everything as clean as possible and the floors...
In an effort to put my new tools to good use, I am attempting to make a 'blue collar" greenhouse in the garden. I have raised beds and want to cover two beds with one plastic sheeting structure so I can get working in the garden earlier. This weekend we saw temps into the upper 50s and low 60s...
I bought myself some new tools the other day. In the 10 years since I retired, most of my personal tools have walked away or been used to death. To find what I want in the wood shop is nearly impossible and what I do find is covered in a few layers of saw dust.
Since this photo was takes, I've...
I wasn't sure where to put this thread. It involves electronics, as we are putting in a home theater. It involves wiring, since the walls we are insulating and drywalling will need electricity. It involves construction of walls, doorways, and cabinets. It even involves plumbing where the bar is...
According to my spouse it is putting water inside buildings.
Yep! Another bathroom needs attending.
We are hoping the tenants move out soon -- they are behind in their rent -- so we can properly redo the entire bathroom, but tomorrow we'll be working on the bathtub/shower faucet. When the...
After nearly 40 years, it was time to redo the master bathroom. When we built the house, we put carpeting throughout the bedroom, closets, and bathroom. I hated carpeting in the bathroom! I moved to the main bathroom and left the master bath to the master. Check out the tub enclosure color. It's...
This is not much of a remodel unless you count a new sink and vanity. Here's our redo of a small apartment bathroom. I am hoping to show it step by step, but already missed out on the 'before' shot. Have to be quick when DS is working.
First thing out, after shutting off the water was the...
Last night I purchased an 8' x 8' flat bed trailer. Today, son picked it up for me. Now I am looking for the perfect chicken coop to build on top. Being mobile means no increase in property taxes for the building.
Being movable also means I can site the coop right beside the neighbors'...
I bought some paint today and tomorrow, DS has promised to come out and paint the kitchen. There are a few cracks from the house settling over the years and some trim nails that never got set.
The kitchen counter will need new caulking even if I decide to put tile on the backsplash wall area...
I have resolved to go through the house room by room and fix or finish everything in each room. I started today with the half bath by the back door.
First I took everything off the walls and out of the cupboard for a good deep cleaning.
ME:"Sweetheart, could you strip off the caulk around the...
@Thistlebloom! A moose whispered that today was your birthday. I am sorry so much of the day passed without you getting a big, birthday :thumbsup from me.
Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Hugs too!
We have members enjoying their birthday today.
:thumbsup @Tuco, happy birthday! :celebrate:celebrate:celebrateI appreciate how well you have settled in and become an active participant on SS. :loveI hope today is a special one filled with friends, family, fun and good memories.
I need to add some ventilation to my chicken coop before the cold settles in. I had hoped Son and/or Spouse would finally hear what I've been saying and get it done for me. Nope! I don't think it's going to happen -- unless someone takes pity on me after I start.
I currently have insulation in...
We have two newer members with a birthday today. Wishing them all the best today and for many more birthdays to come.
@cindyflory, I'm so glad you joined. Stop by for a chat now and then.
@mother, have a great day -- from a grandmother who loves meeting new cyber-friends -- and don't be a...
Our furnace of 40 years bit the dust last spring although the repair man didn't make it out to check until mid September (despite several calls between May and September). We decided to have a geothermal system put in rather than another furnace.
It's a big hunk of change(?) to start out, but...
:thumbsup @Candancevzt! Happy birthday to you. :) I hope this day is a good one and that you have many more great birthdays in the years to come.
I want to remind you to stop by more often for a chat. What needs doing and what's being done? ;)We'd love to hear about you DIY projects.
Here is the house we are working on. Son is trying to match this new roof to the old photo (historical records) of this house.
Here's how far we've gotten:
And then again today:
Here's the original photo: