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  1. D

    Using raw milk

    Awww....Your goats must be great. We have a man with a goatherd here and he sells raw milk but he can't keep up with demand. I was pleased with the dairy where I got the raw milk. The cows are mostly Holsteins with a few other dairy breeds. The cows are kept on pasture with dairy bulls so no AI...
  2. D

    Using raw milk

    We picked up our first gallon of raw milk yesterday. The homemade butter is in the frig along with about 3/4 cup of fresh buttermilk. The 3 + quarts of yogurt are incubating in the microwave with a mason jar of hot water. The butter yeild was lower than I expected - approximately 2 ounces - but...
  3. D

    Using raw milk

    Thanks, Freemotion. I wasn't too clear when I asked my question. After I remove the cream from the raw whole milk I will have a liquid left over which I guess, is skim milk. I would like to make yogurt from this liquid for the dogs. After using the cream for the butter making process the liquid...
  4. D

    Using raw milk

    Thanks, Frugal.
  5. D

    Using raw milk

    Just joined the forum and am already hooked. I have found a source for raw milk - to be used for pet food only of course. ;) I have lots of info on making butter and buttermilk but want to know about using the leftover liquid. I'm guessing it would be like a lowfat milk and could be used for...