Saturday or Sunday, I think, the Rockies played and the sirens were going off. There was a funnel over downtown, so the storm was within a quick walk from my house.
Usually they empty the stands into the walkways, since they are surrounded by cement.
That was another "midnight at noon" day.
This "natural" remedy was pulled from the shelves this week because it had a nasty little side effect. A few people lost their ability to smell.
I can't count the number of times people said "natural" remedies didn't cause side effects, during the last year. Is it really natural to put zinc in...
The hubs works on Sunday, so we might hit a movie Friday while everyone else has to work.
We should have the theater, and popcorn, all to ourselves!
My desk top gets television from our cable provider, which works well.
This isn't streamed, though, is it? We get the signal as it comes down the cable, just like it does on the television in the family room.
I've noticed a lot of little gardens popping up around the neighborhood.
It looks like a lot of people are cutting back on purchasing things they can grow themselves!
We plan to repurpose some pallets that our paver bricks were delivered on a couple of summers ago.
We tried prying single boards off and they split. We tried to figure out now to remove the nail, but they are are counter sunk and are those nails that are grooved and twisted, a cross between a...
It would be nice if people, seeing these little revelations about Christianity and the church, would move beyond the "how interesting" phase and really start looking at the history of Christianity.
Sinatra's era was completely different from ours, so I bet some of his nasty behavior was simply accepted by those who have been groomed to feed it. The gender roles of the time take on a whole new color when they are augmented by money and a mistaken sense of entitlement.
The first thing that happens is I turn on the family room lights, because it gets as dark as dusk. Every time the weather turns, noon goes to just about night. Then I look outside at the sky to see how green those clouds might be, or black depending on the amount of rain that has or hasn't...
Couldn't you organize them using one of the office programs?
I have Open Office and it's great. You still have to sit down and either scan in a document or type in the recipes, but its free!
it will be several generations, yet, before we see the push towards getting rid of organizations that encourage folks to think of themselves as more justified than others.
Everything from religion to education is leverage against accepting that one person cannot control the personal choices of...
I heard that Sinatra stood up to hotel owners who wouldn't let Black performers eat in their restaurants.
If that's hard to get along with, we need more of it.
Our energy provider keeps sending an offer that will save money during the summer. They want to put a special meter on my central air to control its energy usage.
Thing is, we don't have central air. We have a window unit in the kitchen and circulate the cooled air using ceiling fans.
Do you...
The sirens are tested every Wednesday at 11A.M., where I live. In fact, they actually went off 2 weeks ago because a storm started churning and produced a funnel.
The first thing people do when there is a warning, here, is go outside and look at the sky, to see where the funnel is!
We don't...
I heard that he had tried to commit suicide when he was five years old, so it wouldn't be impossible for him to have succeeded as an adult.
I heard about the possibility of erotic asphyxiation, but that could have been a red herring. Apparently, the family thinks there was foul play.
The writers made sure to cover their tracks by changing the setting for the story. I bet there will be more Star Trek movies suing the same cast.
They'd be crazy not to!
When people cut back, utilities have to make up the difference between the expected profit margins and the realities of conservation, alternative fuels, and money saving steps the common person takes.
It's one of the horrible consequences of expecting economic growth instead of planning for...
I haven't had corn bread in years and your recipe sounds tasty.
I think the last cornbread I savored had jalapenos and cheese. Npt as healthy as yours, but is sure was yummy.