I have been suffering from a knee injury almost 2 years ago but until now I’m still having some problem with it. I have seen those athletes got an operation but I don’t know how much would it cost. Anyone here who ahs an idea on the actual cost?
We have turned off our lights for an hour so that we can show the whole world that we want to fight Global warming. Do you have something like this on your country?
I don’t like to be hypocrite and say that I don’t watch this anymore, I just to know if someone here also watches some cartoons.
Which cartoons do you still watch?
Anyone here who has already seen this movie?
I think that batman is included there but I don’t really know since I just see the trailer and found someone who looks like him.
It has been months since the last time that I went into the gym. I’m thinking that this is the right time for me to go there because my current exercise program isn’t working to well.
Are you going to the gym?
Recession is now upon us. How are you spending your money wisely?
Right now I’m trying to think 10X before parting with my money to be spent for the promotion of my blog.