twiceshy, I agree with you but you have to look at it from another way. If we teach them the lines are gray, what about rules? Rules are not gray, they are black and white. The speed limit is 25. Not around 25. In the same sense, murder = not good. Most people don't get it until...
Here is an email I was sent last week. I have not checked out the link. But it gives you something to think about when we feel opec is the problem.
> The U. S. Geological Service issued a report in April ('08) that only
Too add on to laughingmouse. Since when has a bonus been a requirement. I didn't get out my dictionary, but I'm quite certain a bonus is a reward for a job well done. Who in their right mind gives someone a bonus for running a company in the tank? A bonus should never be in a contract. It...
That makes me happy to know that Clint is still a normal guy. Celebrities tend to have inflated egos. I love it when somebody meets one and says that they are down to earth. John Goodman is from St. Louis and my wifes mother has met him several times. He is of the latter.
About 7 years ago, my father said something to me that has stuck. (And no he's not some sort of radical.) He said China could take us over without ever firing a shot. At first I just laughed. Now it makes sense. We get all of our loans from them including the stimulus. We buy 90 percent of...
Does anyone have any free ww plans for a kitchen hutch. My wife would like a more modern style. I have found a few free plans on the web, but none of them are really what she is looking for. She took a picture of one she liked at a furniture store. She showed it to me once and then erased...
Someone in another forum was talking about this very problem. Their reply has stuck with me.
Your parents always want you to have a better life than they did. So they push their children for more education or skills than they have. So our society kept getting better jobs until we virtually...