We have paneling in 1 room and I hate it. I want to rip it down and put up drywall. I don't have the time right now to do this. Does anyone know of anything you can do to paneling to make it look better? I don't think you can paint it right? It wouldn't look good.
Great plan! We have been doing this for a while too. My problem is that my gram died about 3 months ago and I acquired a lot of her things. Adding things to my house and not getting rid of anything made us a bit crunched for space again!
2 of our upstairs rooms are lathe and plaster walls. I hate these. I want to knock these out and put up drywall. What kind of a mess will this be? Is it going to be an easy job? I don't want to just add drywall over the existing walls (the rooms are already small).
I would only live in a house. I am never moving out of the country. I love the privacy and the land that we have. You can't have either of these with the other 2 options.
I plunged out my sink today - I first tried baking soda and vinegar first. You should have seen the black crap that came up. I am looking for help - I need a tool that will help "snake" the drains - not a professional tool but something that works like the snake. Anyone know what I need?
Has anyone put in their own tile floor? You know the 12 inch x 12 inch tile blocks with the grout. The real tile not fake. We are going to put this in our kitchen. I've already picked out the tile I want. I just wonder if it's going to be a back breaking job?
Have you ever seen those rubber roofs? I was thinking that we might actually put one our garage. It's a funny slope of a roof. I have heard that they have a lifetime warranty. Anyone know anything else about them?
We just built a new shop and had an electrician come to take a look to see what we needed to do to get electric to it. When he checked our box in the basement he was shocked and then said he was scared. It was an old box and he said that if we overused it - the breakers would not trip. It would...
We just switched all of our plumbing over to PEX. It was a pain to do but I know it will be worth it. Has anyone else done this? PEX is easier to move, more flexible and it is said to last longer (no rusting). It was a bit more expensive then using metal pipes and you had to buy a special tool...
Has anyone used tongue and groove for their walls? I have a co-worker who just did a couple rooms in her house with this and it's gorgeous. She hired it out. I would love to rip apart my living room and put up tongue and groove boards. Is it something that I can do myself(with my hubby)?
I've been thinking about this a lot lately. I would love to make new bar stools and a new table out of wood. I am thinking about using trees for this. You know cutting down the branches and using these as the legs. I could cut a couple pieces out of the actual tree for the top of the stool too...
How many people use barn board for anything that they work on? I am a primitive wood craft maker so I love barn board. I try to find old barns that have fallen down - that is where I get the boards. It is becoming harder and harder to find these days. Anyone else use barn board? Where do you get it?
Where do you get your patterns to make wood crafts? Do you think of something you want to make and then eyeball it? Do you order patterns off an internet website? If so, which one? I do a bit of both. I will also go to craft shows and just look around. If I see something I like I might take a...
I'm looking for a new detail hand sander. I don't want a big one (palm sander) I want a small one. I had a Ryobi detail sander for years but it just stopped working. I can't find anything like it anywhere. I make wood crafts and I have to have a small detail sander to get in the small...