21 quarts of pickled beets! A whole bushel! My mom is here and taught me how. We had fun but we are totally beat!
Tomorrow we have to do her bushel. Ug.
I've been contemplating corn cob syrup/jelly. What does it taste like? It seems to me it would be just sort of "sweet nothing." I know what jelly is used for, but what do you use corn cob syrup for? Sweetening things like tea and yogurt come to mind. Am I on the right track? I am getting...
OOOH I love pickled eggs! I want to try them but fresh eggs are so much harder to peel than store-bought (and I won't buy those). Anyone know how to easily peel hard-boiled eggs?
Thanks everyone! Great info. Cookbooks are becoming outdated with the internet. It seems there are lots of great online sources for recipes that are totally free, and I hadn't really thought about the possibility of canning stuff I normally make. How do you know how long to process things...
Hi everyone! I've been lurking for awhile and am ready to purchase some books on canning. Does anyone have any recommendations besides the Ball Blue Book, which I just bought. I am thinking about the Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving, but wonder if it is a lot like the Ball Blue Book...