What have others found to be the best types of home security systems out there? We have some lights that come on automatically, which have been effective in scaring off would-be intruders at least twice since we moved in here. I'm thinking of having a new security system put in, but there are...
We have one of those old ugly popcorn ceilings in one of the dens. The roof had a small nail hole where water leaked in and discolored the popcorn ceiling. I fixed the roof, but the ceiling is still discolored no matter how many times I paint over the thing. I think this summer is the one where...
All those things do tend to end up owning you instead of you owning them. We have things that multiply of their own accord, like pennies. We also have things that disappear no matter how many we buy. like combs and hairbrushes. All those extra appliances take up enormous amounts of space.
Does anyone else have experience inserting those small decorative 2-inch square tiles inside the larger kitchen wall tiles? What is the difficulty level? My wife insists on using them in our kitchen, but I'm not sure I want to tackle the job. What's wrong with just regular, same-sized tiles?
I just realized one of our bathtubs is in serious need of some new caulking. It's got a little mildew built up in there, too. What products currently out work best with this type of mildew?
Our neighbor across the street had all the tree people out in his yard for the past week taking down trees in his front yard. I decided one tree leaning toward the street needed to come down, so I had them do an estimate to take it down. The price they quoted me is twice as much because my tree...
I am thinking of turning an outbuilding on our property into a larger shop for me to piddle around in. The only trouble is that it does not have electricity. What would be the most cost efficient way of getting electricity out there? I guess I shouldn't attempt it myself. How high a voltage must...
I'm debating whether or not to try to repair a window on our house or find someone with more experience to come in and do it. I don't even know how it cracked, but the glass is clearly broken. I think it must have happened when we had that small earthquake last year here on the East coast.
How did everyone get started in this hobby or a similar one? I'm wanting to eventually buy a house, fix it up and resell it once the market gets back on track. I'm trying to learn a bit of woodworking here and there.
Our disposal stopped working, so we tried resetting it. That didn't work, so my husband went crazy flipping the fuse box switches back and forth. Now our built-in microwave is not working. Could he have shorted it out when he was going crazy with those switches? It's less than a year old.