Had breakfast with my (former) volunteer gig buddies yesterday. I am considering rejoining in October. Technically, rejoining now, but not really participating, so as to avoid the need to go through the long application process.
Well, had to make a hard decision. Garage is still not cleaned out, but we are getting estimates this week for the concrete patio. So l caved. Need a way to get the wife out of the house and into fresh air
Good heavens, my resolve is weakening. Saw some Black Australorps chicks while at one of the local farm stores yesterday. Spent the rest of my afternoon trying to noodle out a setup for 4-6 birds. Promised my self not this year.
Used the ball canning recipe. The house smelled great. The wife wants me to can some now. What I made today, we're going to add some ground beef and throw in the crock pot tomorrow to cook it down. It's supposed to be soupy prior to canning.
Not canning per se, but test driving a baked bean recipe for taste this afternoon. Want to see if we like it before I put a lot of effort into canning it