Hairspray works to remove most inks, but mainly because it has alcohol in it, go with the alcohol, its cheaper and isn't sticky. Most pens and markers will be removed with alcohol. It's what I use on walls, counters, hard surfaces, and clothing. Always try a test spot first.
If you choose to store under the bed, raise the bed up a few inches, it really helps increase storage space. You can buy bed risers at stores, or make your own. If you make some, just make sure that the bed can't be pushed off the riser, either a well for the leg or wheel, or the leg should be...
You may not be able to sell a butchered chicken to ppl, but you can sell a live one for them to butcher. Good luck with your venture, hope all works out. :)
I've edited to add this as I recalled while I was in the garden tonight. If you have beets planted then start harvesting the leaves...