We have eight acres...i would say 5 of it is all pasture, the people before us had horses...we are mostly just looking into them because we don't have a ton of land but we could devote a few acres to it..
Does anyone here have experience with raising the Dexter cattle? I've been researching them and it seems like they would do well on a smaller farm but I was hoping to be able to talk to someone who has first hand knowledge of them..We have eight acres and would like to grow all of our own meat...
We are pretty excited about the chickens! I haven't really eaten a lot of chicken eggs not from the store so I am very interested in the difference from store bought...I've heard a lot of bad things about store bought eggs.
Just drag it so far, he may get creative and add wheels though hes not sure yet...we are getting 2 buff orpingtons, 2 isa browns and 2 ameraucanas...also 8 cornish rock cross for meat birds but they will probably be separated from the layers..
That sounds like a good idea...I'm starting to grow herbs this year also and I know that around me there really isn't a lot of people that sell dried herbs and I would LOVE it if they did...Maybe include on the package popular things they could put the herb in because I know that starting out...
We decided to do a chicken tractor with our chickens this year...my husband started working on it about a week ago and I started painting it yesterday. We aren't quite done but here is the start of it...
Hello! My name is Stephanie and I am from Michigan(sorry about the restating of the title)My husband and I are passionate about being self-sufficient but we are at the beginning of the journey! We just bought eight acres of land and are about to raise our first chickens! I was raised a city girl...