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  1. DuckLady

    some people really dont think before they talk

    Thank you all for your....participation.
  2. DuckLady

    My ticket to Polyface

    Closed at OPs request.
  3. DuckLady

    Digging up my septic so it can be pumped. ARGH!!

    When I dug out the lids to the septic (I did it because I refused to pay for someone to do it for me), I marked it at the fence on the east and the house on the south. Where they met were the lids. Then after the guy got done pumping, I had a bright idea. I went and got the duck's pond, a...
  4. DuckLady

    What Are Some Of Your Favorite SS Forums,Omitting This One..?

    Since we have gotten off topic of the section of the forum and since this thread will go nowhere good, all I will say is Thank you for your participation.
  5. DuckLady

    We need a new vacuum - Bagged or Bagless ?

    I have a Dirt Devil bagless for my sewing room. It is great for daily use. I empty the canister and bang the filter. I paid less than $60 for it.
  6. DuckLady

    THIS my the meaning of self sufficient.

    Please keep this thread on topic, thanks.
  7. DuckLady

    10 worst economic states

    Sorry, this thread does indeed fall under the new policy. It was brought back to the top and so is closed. Thanks.
  8. DuckLady

    New Moratorium On Political Threads & Posts

    Please use the report button if you see a thread being derailed. We don't (and can't) read every post so we depend on members to help us out. And please do remember that reports are anonymous to everyone but the staff and we do keep them confidential. :)
  9. DuckLady

    New Moratorium On Political Threads & Posts

    So glad we could be of assistance. ;)
  10. DuckLady

    Thinking of moving, but WHERE???

    Since you didn't take my "hint".... Apologies to the OP.
  11. DuckLady

    Thinking of moving, but WHERE???

    The topic needs to be returned to real quick. I am sure the OP doesn't appreciate the derailment of his thread.
  12. DuckLady

    Quilters, can you recommend me an idiot's guide?

    I learned to quilt with Quilt in a Day Log Cabin Quilt I refer to it often for tips and tricks. You can often find it use don Amazon. :)
  13. DuckLady

    Any Tightwad Gazette fans?

    I have a copy I am selling in the buy sell trade area. :)
  14. DuckLady

    For Sale-Tightwad Gazette II/Everyday Home Repair-OR

    I have a copy of The Tightwad Gazette II and Everyday Home Repair Handbook $5 each plus shipping. I take PayPal and Postal Money Orders.
  15. DuckLady

    little spot or Do you pay much attention to expirations dates?

    It depends on what it is. I absolutely refuse to use milk and liquid dairy 3 days before it is ready to expire. My Mom poured milk into a newer container once when I was a kid and I got a mouthful of lumpy milk a few days later. Never again. In fact I don't even drink milk. I use it to cook...
  16. DuckLady

    Any Tightwad Gazette fans?

    I am rereading The Tightwad Gazette II. While there are some great tips, some of the stuff makes me :sick. Remember the "keepers"?
  17. DuckLady

    Need suggestions for using white 55 gallon drums with lids.

    You can use them for chicken water storage tanks. Fit a spigot to it and run a hose to a bell waterer. Make sure the drum is higher than the end of the waterer for gravity. Your chickens will have fresh water if you have to leave them for a while. This will work for dogs and cats, too. Ducks...
  18. DuckLady


    Hi, I am in Oregon City! ;)