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  1. Junebugaboo

    Favorite Books about Homesteading??

    Anybody have any good books they've read recently about homesteading/farming/self-reliance? Any favorites? I've been leafing through John Seymour's The Self-Sufficient Life; one of my favorites about small-farm agriculture is Wendell Berry's The Unsettling of America. I just recently read...
  2. Junebugaboo

    Growing Organic Ground Cherries

    That's unfortunate about the horses, I had no idea...tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, and peppers are nightshade vegetables too. I do know that some people with certain health issues are sensitive to these veggies as well. I've grown ground cherries, and the feral pigs that got into my garden did...
  3. Junebugaboo

    A new journey into homesteading "pic heavy"

    I just harvested some garlic too! I cut the scapes off a few weeks before harvesting the bulbs and cook them up in a stir good.
  4. Junebugaboo

    Strawberry 1090 long does it have to age for? You'll have to let us know how it turned out...
  5. Junebugaboo

    Get the most out of your garden

    I need to try the young shoots the next time I grow them and yes! @Britesea , I've hear of this disorder--favism--I think that's why sometimes at the doctor's office you get asked on some forms if you have Greek/Italian heritage. My husband is 100% Greek but doesn't have any of the symptoms...
  6. Junebugaboo

    Hello from California!

    @Lazy Gardener I have a pretty small coop because I only have a few chickens, so the framework is not a lot of surface area and we reinforced the chicken wire with extra staples. So far, so good...but your experience has me scared about my run I plan to build...thankfully I can build away from...
  7. Junebugaboo

    Hello from California!

    Will definitely share with him! He's just started some kind of IPA using our hops and is pretty excited because he hasn't had any time for beer lately...we've been remodeling our bathroom for the past 5 months, and it's FINALLY finished.
  8. Junebugaboo

    New Steps in the Garden

    I have wiped out a handful of times on that deathly slope since we've lived glad those steps are in!!
  9. Junebugaboo

    Hello from California!

    @Lazy Gardener Yes! I love Wendell of my favorite writers. And I also have had problems with foxes. I lost two a few months ago, just after they turned 7 weeks and went into the coop. I reinforced my coop and small run area on the bottom with chicken wire because I noticed digging...
  10. Junebugaboo

    Hello from California!

    @Britesea I haven't been to any plays in quite a while, unfortunately, but I will keep my eye out for her name whenever I go into the city! And yes...I love the long growing season, too, but man, there are a lot of people. Not my ideal place, even though there are many wonderful things about it...
  11. Junebugaboo

    How to occupy or entertain children without screens

    I really want to put my daughters in 4H, probably when they are 8-10 years old....I have a little more time yet.
  12. Junebugaboo

    New Steps in the Garden

    Thanks, all! I didn't think they'd take as long as they did, but I guess that's always the case.
  13. Junebugaboo

    New Steps in the Garden

    Husband and I dug out the side of our terraced garden, which was pretty precarious going down, and he built and installed wood steps... ...and I leveled the inside, put down landscape fabric, and filled with stones from an area up top closer to the house that I'm readying as a space for more...
  14. Junebugaboo

    The Bread Thread!

    So good...that combo reminds me of summer :love
  15. Junebugaboo

    How to occupy or entertain children without screens

    These posts about kid chores got me thinking about an article I recently read in Mother Earth News: Whenever I'm folding laundry, doing dishes, cooking, baking, cleaning around the house, my 3 year-old...
  16. Junebugaboo

    The Bread Thread!

    Thank you! And yes, I recommend the focaccia. It never lasts more than a day here...I like putting olives on top or a little bit of thyme and coarse salt...delicious!
  17. Junebugaboo

    Get the most out of your garden

    No problem! They really do wonders for the soil!!
  18. Junebugaboo

    Get the most out of your garden

    I do remember a few aphids on the fava plants, but nothing crazy like your experience...I have sprayed with a castille/water mix. Fava grows pretty well where I am right now, and a lot of times I'll find healthy plants around the yard that have seeded themselves.
  19. Junebugaboo

    The Bread Thread!

    I noticed a lot of people posting about sourdough bread...I'm a huge fan. My husband and I have had a mother in the fridge for just two years but it's become a weekend ritual to make bread! I love this recipe: Looks complicated at...