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  1. valmom

    Official SS Poll: What do you do to eliminate bills / cut down expenses?

    What?? And I thought having a "view tax" was a money grubbing way to fund the town.
  2. valmom

    What do I do with a fish after I hook it?

    Ooh, I just found this thread. I really want to learn fly fishing this summer! There is a free 1 day introduction at Orvis (expensive yuppy fishing and hunting store) about an hour away from me. I was going to last summer, but wasn't really settled enough to learn anything new.
  3. valmom

    Official SS Poll: What do you do to eliminate bills / cut down expenses?

    I would love to find someone to house share. Except that I asked the tax preparer at H+R Block about it and the tax requirements are arcane. Totally put me off legally renting out my upstairs.
  4. valmom

    How are you an expert?

    I have toyed with the idea of getting cashmere goats- there is a farm in my town that has them. They are supposed to be triple threat goats- milk, meat and amazing fiber.
  5. valmom

    No food wasting?

    I tried to get leftover produce from our cafeteria where I work for the chickens. They are not allowed to hold food over from meal to meal unless sealed and packaged (like pre-made salads). I was told there was a waiting list! I love living in the country!
  6. valmom

    New chapter for SS - Suggestions welcome!

    I like the idea of a Skills forum where people can ask questions about things they want to learn. Or even to find things that they might be interested in learning but didn't want to ask. And, please change the Roll Your Own name, LOL!
  7. valmom

    How are you an expert?

    @Farmfresh - you have Katahdin sheep? What do you do with the fleeces? Do you sell them? I don't have one of that breed :)
  8. valmom

    Not new but....

    Now I have to re-connect the brain cells to remember who is who on here and on FB.
  9. valmom

    Preserving Pumpkin

    I am putting in many pumpkin and butternut plants this year. I love winter squashes, and I have found that butternut stores pretty well into January in my basement. The dehydrated pumpkin sounds like a great idea. I love squash/pumpkin soup and it would be perfect!
  10. valmom

    Official SS Poll: What do you do to eliminate bills / cut down expenses?

    I am putting in a large garden this year and need to get more serious about dehydrating things! I tend to do fruit in season mostly.
  11. valmom

    How are you an expert?

    Hm. I consider myself a jack of all trades rather than a real "expert" at anything. I am pretty good at most livestock. (maybe except pigs. They are delicious but scary. I will pay someone to raise them!) I spin, knit, crochet and weave. I water bath can a little bit- still haven't gotten over...
  12. valmom

    Is it safe?

    Wow- so many recognized names that bring smile filled memories. Glad to be back!
  13. valmom

    It's gone very quiet over here...

    I am back, too :) Spending the day spinning alpaca with a friend (who is going through radiation for breast cancer). I have big plans for this black alpaca yarn.
  14. valmom

    Reunion - Welcome back everyone!

    There isn't cake?? :drool Now I need to do something about my username. Valgrandma just doesn't have the same ring.
  15. valmom

    What do you use for basic soap molds?

    My molds produce almost 4 ounce bars- 3.8 to 4. I am thinking of getting a box that holds 2 lbs of soap since all the boxes for loaf soap are for bigger batches. I found one online, but it is almost $70- but it's nice. Made out of plexiglass. From what I have read you can cut it with wire or...
  16. valmom

    Fall Soap Swap ~ Please re-read the first post.

    No, it was supposed to be one bar, but I couldn't decide which scent to send... :lol: I got my soap yesterday morning (I have to pick up at the PO for my mail- it only happens once a week or so) from Britesea. Lovely blue minty soap that will wake me up in the morning. (Although, SO wants to...
  17. valmom

    New Member

    :welcome Good to see the whole family here, Mr. BB!
  18. valmom

    I Need Advice - As in what would you do? yes, chicken

    I can't imagine not having our hobby chickens! We have now, 6 ancient hens and 6 adolescents in a chicken fortress to keep away predators. The eggs alone make it worthwhile for us! I hate store bought eggs now :D As for going away, we have horses too that need babysitting, so chickens aren't a...
  19. valmom

    Savingdogs-Saving the chickens

    Our EEs also fly pretty well. At least the young ones do- they have more energy than the old girls to expend! My 6 going on 7 year old chickens can't be bothered. The old girls just look at the adolescents and look like they are wondering what all the fuss is about.
  20. valmom

    Beekeeping--a new beek's journey!PIC HEAVY (first week of Oct)

    I am so glad you are keeping this log up. Your hives look great! I am very nervous going into winter, and the weather hasn't coincided with non-working days for me to look in at mine! It has been pouring rain, cold and windy here whenever I have time to open a hive.