
  1. Roxanne Falkenstein

    Oregon Newcomer

    Hey ya'll I'm Roxanne!! A gardener, permaculturist, and cook. I love nursery work and food preservation. I teach some small classes at a local farm about soil building techniques, baking bread and pastries and uses for common weeds as medicine and food. I am also an avid seed collector and run a...
  2. H

    Vote for me to help me get my chickens please?

    Hello. Would anyone please be so incredibly kind as to please do me a huge favor and send an email, with your name (you may use an alias!) and the subject ''VOTING HEIDI'S CHICKENS'' to '' VOTE@FLPERMACULTURECONVERGENCE.ORG '' You will be helping me win a grant to finally be able to get my...
  3. tortoise

    Strawberries - permie/companion planting

    Y'all have inspired me with pictures of flowers in the garden. I am turning a garden into strawberry bed. My aspiration is a densely planted weed-free garden that is functional and beautiful. I have some welsh red onion (perennial onion) set in there, might leave it there, might not. What...
  4. Beekissed

    Back to Eden Gardening Thread~Note: pic heavy thread.

    Someone asked and I waited a bit to see if anyone else would, but they didn't. :D So, whilst resting my overworked knees, I will get one rolling. Please feel free to add your BTE here, pics and videos are most helpful, but explanations work too. I'm sure there are other people out there who...
  5. Amiga

    Permaculture, Regrarians, etc. 2017

    Hi, all, let's see what develops on this thread. We have some interest, training and experience with Permaculture among members. I included regrarian topics (regenerative agrarian) since it's so closely related to Permaculture. I earned my Permaculture Design Certificate from Geoff Lawton in...