For me if the SHTF it would be survival & would most likely take all of us. I would be teaching skills that would help them survive formost, anything after that would be the 4 R's so they could barter & to make it if something were to happen to me. I'm sure everything else would be an oral type learning.
I pretty much agree with SillySoap, i don't really see anything as being fun for a teacher or anyone for that matter in a post SHTFS...! I mean really, people are going to be hurting big time, how can that be fun...?
Even if tshtf there has to be some fun in life. Some moments will be very depressing, and lots of struggling to get by, so anything you can do to make life a bit more pleasant - Do it! It will help keep people sane.
absolutely! Especially for children; the closer to "normal" you can make their lives, the better they will be able to adjust. That is also why most places tell you to stock up on some "comfort foods" even if they are less than ideal nutrient-wise.
I think I would want to teach history as well- not so much dates and names of presidents P) but the whys and wherefores of things. Don't want another Hitler to rise up and everyone follow him because they don't know about the last one!
You know, with a little effort, we here at SS-F could begin our own form of "distance learning" school to teach some of the skills we know and are proficient with so that others could learn.
As for education in a SHTF situation, it is imperative in that setting that our children be educated so they don't become "subjects" but well informed citizens. Education is the one most important investment in the future that we make. Welfare certainly has proven NOT to be.
No matter how bad it is, educating our children is the prime directive of a civilized and informed electorate if people are to govern themselves.
No matter how bad it is, we are still going to want to govern ourselves rather than have some self-appointed "leader" (Imam) or whatever do it for us. Children have to be given the intellectual
"working tools whereby they may pursue their labors" and keep society from deteriorating into the stone age. What we don't need is another Dark Age to set in after some serious social destructive event. The possibility is that there would be some armed force of bully's who would attempt to gain power by eliminating the intellectuals like what Hitler did in Germany. We can't EVER let something like THAT happen again. Education therefore is the most important thing we can give to our children/grandchildren and the generations to come.
All else pales in comparison.
We have been building a good reference library here at home. While we frequently make use of our public library (we home school), each year I add to our personal library. I realize that things wouldn't continue as normal should anything happen, but I believe a wide ranging choice of reading material will help my son continue to 'exercise his brain' during down times.
If it were a survival type situation, I'd focus on basic math skills and literacy. Everything else would be Home Ec on steroids- food production and preservation, carpentry, textile production and clothing manufacture, energy harnessing- you get the idea. You really wouldn't even need that many books.