Oxtail's good but too pricey for me, for what you get. I do very rarely find an about-to-expire 50% off package though and buy it.
I like heart and chicken liver (not big fan of beef liver unless you put tons of bacon and fried onions on it, and frankly I'd eat almost ANYthing that way ); do not see me ever eating kidney or brains unless it was either that or eat my own feet. Well actually how many feet does a person really need anyhow.
Does anyone have good recipes for beef tongue, that are *not* sweet-and-sour type recipes? My husband has inexplicably started asking if I'd make it for dinner sometime.
I've never eaten tongue (yeah yeah, despite Pennsylvania dutch background, all that, so sue me -- I eat (and like!) tripe, but tongue just was not on the menu growing up) so I have basically no clue. Would be happy to try it, except I seem to be real lazy about getting around to googling for info and recipes. So since this thread is here now, I will be almost equally lazy and ask y'all
E.t.a. -- what I really like is chicken feet. I think I have FINALLY worked out how to scald them enough to peel, and am HOPING to be able to do some homemade chinese-style chicken feet next time I butcher some chickens. Not certain whether that counts as offal but certainly many would say "awful" so close enough LOL)
I have a cow heart in the freezer I need to cook up. I thought I hated liver. Turns out I hate improperly cooked liver I realy like it in cream sauce covered in parm. Mmmmm!
The best use is to grind it up with the hamburger. It adds a lot of flavor and moisture to the patties when they are grilled. I always got rave reviews on my hamburgers. Never put more than a little seasoning salt on them.
So far I am a big fan of young deer or chicken liver, gizzard, heart (deer heart sliced paper thin and pan fried is to die for!) I put chicken feet in my broth (MY chickens' feet that is).
Never had tongue or kidney but I'd like to, have no plans on eating brains at all. Ever. Tripe... I dunno about it. Oxtails sound wonderful though.
I love, love, love chicken and beef liver. Unfortunately I don't get to have it very often, hubby says he can't stand the smell of it cooking. But go figure, he loves deer liver and heart.
Haven't ever tried beef tongue, but I wouldn't pass it up if I had the opportunity.