Anyone work for the DOE around TN or SC.

TX Honky

Power Conserver
Sep 18, 2008
Reaction score
Hey I was just thinking about if we moved from Tx. We would need to move somewhere so my husband could have sorta the same job. "Stick to what you know" sorta thing. We like our home & 20 acres our neighbors are great, but I don't want neighbors, maybe down the road but not next door. I want big trees. We can't have less than 5 acres. We have 20 right now and we don't even have fence around it yet. I can't stand not being able to have my horses here. It's also very hard to dig here, the ground is like concrete. It'll take me forever to get the groung good enough to garden. I think I need a change. DH dosen't want to leave his job but he wants the same things I do. However he says maybe we should wait until the kids graduate hs. well thats gonna be forever because our dd is 1. YAY. I want to be a little more secluded, I cant stand to hear my neighbors having a bbq vice versa. I want some pigs but I don't want my neighbors to complain. AHh, guess I just needed to say it out loud,......sorta. Don't get me wrong Im lucky to have a nice warm home, we have the land millions would love to have, my dh has worked very hard for what we have. I just want something different. and I want my small to childeren to enjoy a more self sufficient life style. I want to feed my family what I grew. I want trees! We've planted 3 trees here, maybe our great grand childeren will be able to enjoy them. oh well.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Upper Peninsula, MI
You know what they say....the grass is always greener. If you are further ahead where you are at then stay. Make it your own, work with it. But if it will not hurt you financially to move, then do it now while the kids are small. One of the best gifts I could give my kids was a sense pf permanancy. Unlike the ex who rents, move from house to house and town to town, etc, etc.

TX Honky

Power Conserver
Sep 18, 2008
Reaction score
exactly! Thank you for the reply. Yes we are doing well financially; better than most. I think my wanting to move comes and goes. As a child I was moved around alot, and I want my kids to know where home is. I know with some time and money we could always just make what we have - want we want. I'm just a board stahm and I think I just need a change. I'm very lucky and gracious of what my husband has provided for us. My only hobby and outlet is are my chickens and that doesnt even take me away from home so I think I need something that I can get away to. Hubby's hobby lets him leave and go places. So I think it's mainly cabin fever. :he


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Upper Peninsula, MI
So you need friends? We can be friends. I will send you some snow when it snows here. Ill send you some ice too. :D


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Upper Peninsula, MI
I can send you pcs of yarn and when you get enough you can crochet a rug or something......:lol:
you know I am just trying to make you laugh. right?


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
TX Honky said:
exactly! Thank you for the reply. Yes we are doing well financially; better than most. I think my wanting to move comes and goes. As a child I was moved around alot, and I want my kids to know where home is. I know with some time and money we could always just make what we have - want we want. I'm just a board stahm and I think I just need a change. I'm very lucky and gracious of what my husband has provided for us. My only hobby and outlet is are my chickens and that doesnt even take me away from home so I think I need something that I can get away to. Hubby's hobby lets him leave and go places. So I think it's mainly cabin fever. :he
I understand completely! Sometimes a person has a picture in their mind about what kind of home would bring them some peace. I set out on the same venture and landed at a fine place. Not quite what I want to settle down to, but its way closer! Its not even a "grass is always greener" thing...sometimes the grass really is greener, the trees are bigger, the mountains more beautiful, the streams more clear...all of these things can beckon to your heart until you dream of them constantly. Some people are born to search for their peace, some are lucky enough to have it already. Me? I love my WV mountains but I long to explore Montana. I've always wanted to since a little girl and I'm going to try it in a couple of years.

Texas, I say, "Go for it!" :)

TX Honky

Power Conserver
Sep 18, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks ya'll. Unfortunatly I am sort of choosy when it comes to friends, after working for the Fl. Prison it's hard to trust some aspects of people. Anyway, I've got a sewing machine, just got it actually and every time i sit down to sew my apron, some baby who's always calling me momma has to pull things down, wants to play with the plug, ect ect. So I have to wait until naps and night night time and then I'm to busy doing more important things. Speaking of Montana, I used to live there Look it up. Ismay, MT. you wont find it! hehehe population oh I'd say 5 give or take hehehe, I moved there with my family when I was in the 7th grade, we moved from FL. I got to go to a 1 room school house. I really loved it there, but once again we moved. You too will like it there.

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