Mini Horses
Sustainability Master
I'm adding this thread here -- some may have seen on BYH -- but, some don't visit both forums.
Wandering thru I happened to notice that they have "bone-in goat cubes" available.
It may be a sign that this healthy meat will become more mainstream. Maybe? Just saying, not selection of cuts or anything but, a start. It was in frozen. $11.94 for a 2# bag.
Like lamb, a low fat, tasty option with a hefty price. Price is sure one reason these meats are NOT on most shopping lists and not knowing how to cook it, another. We will see the "eeewwww" factor, as with milk, and that is because "goat" is in the description, IMO.
Poor goats have been so comically maligned in most of USA that most think only about a stinky buck. If you asked the average shopper what the most eaten red meat is, worldwide, goat would NOT come up. Same with goat milk. Their loss
Anyone else seen this meat made available near you? I don't have a Whole Foods near me but, these are chain types where I have seen the diversity. Any thoughts? USA sure imports thousands of tons of goat & lamb!! You'd think our farmers would step up.
Wandering thru I happened to notice that they have "bone-in goat cubes" available.
Like lamb, a low fat, tasty option with a hefty price. Price is sure one reason these meats are NOT on most shopping lists and not knowing how to cook it, another. We will see the "eeewwww" factor, as with milk, and that is because "goat" is in the description, IMO.
Poor goats have been so comically maligned in most of USA that most think only about a stinky buck. If you asked the average shopper what the most eaten red meat is, worldwide, goat would NOT come up. Same with goat milk. Their loss
Anyone else seen this meat made available near you? I don't have a Whole Foods near me but, these are chain types where I have seen the diversity. Any thoughts? USA sure imports thousands of tons of goat & lamb!! You'd think our farmers would step up.