the funny farm6
Super Self-Sufficient
i thought maybe it would be neat to be able to see what others have done in regards to their chicken coops. and to be able to see what others do and dont like about their coop, and what they would change.
*this is the temperary coop a friend of mine put up when her free-range flock was being attacked by foxes. it was to be temperary, but it is VERY sturdy! (i fell against one of the middle 4X4s) and it didnt even wobble.
*she used T posts for the outside supports, and drove them into the ground. (they are @ 5-6 ft tall) and the center are 4X4 posts NOT SET AT ALL!! she has 1 to 2 T posts holsing tham up. 1X2 strips go along each side of the tops of the 4X4s, and the tops of theT posts. then she used welded wire fencing for around the sides, and poultry netting on the top. she then had trouble with weasles or rats so she used hardware cloth on the bottom. for when she first took chicks outside- she had a rabbit cage hung made out of 1/2" X 1" wire.
*this coop is very sturdy despite how flimsy it sounds, and it made it threw a couple pretty good storms!
*she said if she leaves it up for the turkeys, she is going to hang a tarp on the north side to cut the cold north wind.
eta: she asked me to tell you all not to look TOO close! lol
she said as a temperary coop she wouldnt do anything different.
but if she decides to make it permanant, she will:
#1)move it away from the house a little more
#2)use ALL 4X4 posts
#3)sink all the posts
#4)enclose the back section
as it is made now it didnt cost her anything to make. the posts came from their large barn hit by a tornado a couple years ago. the fencing and posts were left over from when they put up new fence this year, and the poultry netting was from when her grandparents raised quail.
*this is the temperary coop a friend of mine put up when her free-range flock was being attacked by foxes. it was to be temperary, but it is VERY sturdy! (i fell against one of the middle 4X4s) and it didnt even wobble.
*she used T posts for the outside supports, and drove them into the ground. (they are @ 5-6 ft tall) and the center are 4X4 posts NOT SET AT ALL!! she has 1 to 2 T posts holsing tham up. 1X2 strips go along each side of the tops of the 4X4s, and the tops of theT posts. then she used welded wire fencing for around the sides, and poultry netting on the top. she then had trouble with weasles or rats so she used hardware cloth on the bottom. for when she first took chicks outside- she had a rabbit cage hung made out of 1/2" X 1" wire.
*this coop is very sturdy despite how flimsy it sounds, and it made it threw a couple pretty good storms!
*she said if she leaves it up for the turkeys, she is going to hang a tarp on the north side to cut the cold north wind.

eta: she asked me to tell you all not to look TOO close! lol
she said as a temperary coop she wouldnt do anything different.
but if she decides to make it permanant, she will:
#1)move it away from the house a little more
#2)use ALL 4X4 posts
#3)sink all the posts
#4)enclose the back section
as it is made now it didnt cost her anything to make. the posts came from their large barn hit by a tornado a couple years ago. the fencing and posts were left over from when they put up new fence this year, and the poultry netting was from when her grandparents raised quail.