Got the t-shirt
Well last March2009 I got 12 Bo chicks(layers), then in the summer 2009 I acquired a roo for my ladies. So I had 13.
Well then I hatched out 3 BO chicks and thought they were to lonely so picked up another 6 BO chicks at the farm store (meat birds) 2010 (little over 9wks) Total = 22
Then I got addicted to the crazy egg chain and hatched out 2 sizzle cochins and 6 EE but one was born spay legged and couldnt walk so down to 5 EE. Total = 29
Those are still in the brooder little over 2 weeks old
Then while at the feed mill picking up feed yesterday, the kid in their ask if I wanted to buy his flock of 18-20. i of course ask what he wanted for them
and he said $30 and you get everything, chix wire, feeder(homemade bucket style) small waterer, mason jar feeder, heat bulb, feed, and a rabbit cage
and feeder( he used as a brooder), and metal posts. WELL that is just tooo good to pass up. So went to look tonight and the chix wire was probably
worth more than $30, NEEDLESS to say I came home with 19 new chickens and said supplies. They are a mixed flock not sure what they all are yet but
2 BO, 1RIR?, 4 bantams ?breed, 2 white, 1 blackish that looks like it has greenish tint on the feathers real pretty, 1 roo, and 8 others I don't remember
right off hand. I will be taking picts and comparing them to see what breed they are. mixed ages Total = 48
and I have a bunch of EE and silkies in the bator!!! Day 21 will be Sunday ep bow fl
OMG!!! WOW!!!
WHAT was I thinking LOL....
Well then I hatched out 3 BO chicks and thought they were to lonely so picked up another 6 BO chicks at the farm store (meat birds) 2010 (little over 9wks) Total = 22
Then I got addicted to the crazy egg chain and hatched out 2 sizzle cochins and 6 EE but one was born spay legged and couldnt walk so down to 5 EE. Total = 29
Those are still in the brooder little over 2 weeks old
Then while at the feed mill picking up feed yesterday, the kid in their ask if I wanted to buy his flock of 18-20. i of course ask what he wanted for them
and he said $30 and you get everything, chix wire, feeder(homemade bucket style) small waterer, mason jar feeder, heat bulb, feed, and a rabbit cage
and feeder( he used as a brooder), and metal posts. WELL that is just tooo good to pass up. So went to look tonight and the chix wire was probably
worth more than $30, NEEDLESS to say I came home with 19 new chickens and said supplies. They are a mixed flock not sure what they all are yet but
2 BO, 1RIR?, 4 bantams ?breed, 2 white, 1 blackish that looks like it has greenish tint on the feathers real pretty, 1 roo, and 8 others I don't remember
right off hand. I will be taking picts and comparing them to see what breed they are. mixed ages Total = 48
and I have a bunch of EE and silkies in the bator!!! Day 21 will be Sunday ep bow fl
OMG!!! WOW!!!
WHAT was I thinking LOL....