Consolidation Loans


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 16, 2008
Reaction score
I finally decided to go with the debt consolidation loan and boy do I feel free! I received a promotion from Citi Financial one day and decided to call, thinking I wouldn't believe a word they said.

I found out that with my credit rating I could get a loan for $14,000 and my debt was only $5,000. I made an appointment to visit with them the next day and took my 20 year old daughter with me to teach her about money.

I was educated on how this loan would be different than credit card debt because it's like a car loan and the interest doesn't compound daily, just once a month. So if you pay more than the minimum on the loan your interest is seriously cut.

I ended up getting the loan for $3,000 more than I needed to pay off my debts and bought a woodstove and all the fixins. My payments are $224 per month for five years but I plan on spending another $224 bi-monthly to pay it off in 2 years. I figure I will use the money I would have spent on fuel for heat.

The reason I felt I needed to consolidate my loans was because I kept forgetting one or two of my cards and was paying $28 in late fees almost every month. I also got tired of worrying about the credit cards.

I just started paying for the loan Aug. 1st but I will only have to pay the $224 for sure; with a little discipline I can pay the extra $224.

Also, don't cancel your cards. Just cut them up. It hurts your credit score when you cancel any account.


Power Conserver
Oct 11, 2008
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I would ask the bank to lower your interest rate on your credit card. I did a car loan over the phone w/my bank and when finished she asked if there was anything else she could do for me, I asked rather slyly if she could lower my credit card interest rate and she said hold on. A few minutes later another lady came on and she had lowered my interest rate by 2%! So it never hurts to just ask! good luck!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Like chrissum said call your credit card company and ask them what your intrest rate is? Then ask them if they could lower it. Most will.
Then talk to your bank and see if they will give you a personal consolidation loan and at what intrest. Talk to your bank loan officer and ask them if they can help you out. More than likely they can.
Lowering your interest rate will help.

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