Revolution in Progress
So I guess she is a he! LOL...
After we locked the girls up last night in the coop, we finished setting up the fencing that we bought to keep them confined...I love letting the have free reign of the yard but the poop on the patio was getting old.
Anyhow, when I let them out this morning they were perplexed by the fencing.....3 immediately flew out and the other three we stuck inside. Before long everyone was stressed and not happy about being seperated...that is when Daisy crowed. It was the funniest sound I have ever heard, he did it about 4 times before we finally went out and escorted them back into the run.
Everyone seems content now but Daisy is making his debut on Craiglist as we speak
After we locked the girls up last night in the coop, we finished setting up the fencing that we bought to keep them confined...I love letting the have free reign of the yard but the poop on the patio was getting old.
Anyhow, when I let them out this morning they were perplexed by the fencing.....3 immediately flew out and the other three we stuck inside. Before long everyone was stressed and not happy about being seperated...that is when Daisy crowed. It was the funniest sound I have ever heard, he did it about 4 times before we finally went out and escorted them back into the run.
Everyone seems content now but Daisy is making his debut on Craiglist as we speak