I want an incubator and I dont want to buy one either. How did you build yours? How much did it cost to build? Do the chickens hatch well in this design?
I used an old cooler, a water heater thermostat, and a light fixture to make one. The only problem is I bought a cheap thermostat and it drove me nuts. I also got low hatch rates. I think the cooler incubator CAN work well, just don't skimp on the parts.
Check out Backyard Chickens, there are innumerable homemade incubators there (some in the Coop Designs section on the learning center banner, and a bunch in the Incubating and Hatching Eggs section of th forum). Pretty much every type of design you can imagine, built pretty much every possible way. LOTS of great ideas! That is where I figured out how to build mine from.