do any of you ever buy things just to "flip it?"


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
you said it....but my "wanting to downgrade" in my mind says I don't care...LOL

a few hundred bucks ain't going to stop me from unloading....but YES--I am ticked..HA HA

even good layer prices have dropped here. no one is buying.

I also only sell all 50 at one time. I do not do 1, 2, or 6 birds ever. One shot, take all. My time is too important.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
My folks used to flip houses when I was growing up....this meant a lot of moving around until we settled on the homestead when I was in fifth grade. It's no wonder that I don't stay long anywhere but always longed to do so.

I buy things to flip them....I never intended on having a milk cow on my place but figured I could flip her for a better price if it didn't work out....and I did. Made $500 profit on the deal.

Also the butter churn I got for $15 at the auction and flipped for $150.

I love doing this and it's great way to make some extra dough. My mother and I plan on going to more auctions and using my roadside stand to flip select items like antiques and vintage items. I also like buying things for cheap and repurposing them into something I can sell for old silverplated ware into primitive windchimes. These sell great! I also like to collect old farm metal....odd shapes of things that are small and interesting but make a pleasant sound when clanged together....they make for one of a kind windchimes. I call this line Farm Work.

Fun to flip, isn't it? :frow


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
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Ontario, Canada
The cheap stuff from your hubby's work sounds very reasonable for resale. I'd be leery of the Honda, though, simply because you have to lay out a whole big whack of cash for it for a relatively modest *possible* profit (and there are always ways these things can go wrong, you would not enjoy being *out* thousands of dollars or even the full price...)

I try very very hard to avoid temptation to buy things to resell at a profit, though, personally. I am trying to be *less* greedy not more and I find that the resell-at-a-profit attitude is not good for me, it takes me further away from my standards and goals. Everyone is different though and if one does it as a hobby or life-or-death necessity those are both completely different things and probably quite ok :p

Good luck, have fun,



Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
SW Ontario, CANADA
patandchickens said:
The cheap stuff from your hubby's work sounds very reasonable for resale. I'd be leery of the Honda, though, simply because you have to lay out a whole big whack of cash for it for a relatively modest *possible* profit (and there are always ways these things can go wrong, you would not enjoy being *out* thousands of dollars or even the full price...)

I try very very hard to avoid temptation to buy things to resell at a profit, though, personally. I am trying to be *less* greedy not more and I find that the resell-at-a-profit attitude is not good for me, it takes me further away from my standards and goals. Everyone is different though and if one does it as a hobby or life-or-death necessity those are both completely different things and probably quite ok :p

Good luck, have fun,

I have to admit that the stuff from hubby's work is really a non issue for me. I am leary of flipping the Honda though, mainly b/c of the cost to buy it--with money that is not ours. I'm not so sure about that one.

old fashioned

Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 10, 2009
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Tacoma, Wa
Beekissed-I buy things to flip them....I never intended on having a milk cow on my place but figured I could flip her for a better price if it didn't work out....and I did. Made $500 profit on the deal.

I'd LOVE to see that!!! (cow flipping) :lol: :gig :lol:
Okay, yes I know what you meant but it sounded sooo funny.

MisstheNorth-My hubby is the flipper of the family. It's like his second job to him and he's addicted. I call him the treasure hunter. Thrift stores (he knows most employees by name), garage/yard/estate sales-he hits em all. What bothered me most is that he'd stockpile things in the garage, through the house, where ever he could find room and it drove me nuts!! What he doesn't sell right away is saved for his own "man stuff sale". But he's not done auto's yet, thank goodness. Over the years, I've learned to keep my mouth shut and let him have his way because it does benefit all of us. Sometimes he takes a loss or breaks even, but most times makes a profit. Like he's said-if something happens to me, there's your insurance policy. Not enough to get rich or pay off the house, but will help.

With cars you may have a problem. Atleast in Washington state, you can only buy/sell so many cars in a certain time frame before you HAVE to be a licensed dealer. I don't know the limits or about anywhere else, but you may need to do some checking in your area-though I'm sure nobody's gonna get you for one. good luck and happy flipping.

:lol: cow flipping :lol:


Doubled and twisted
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
There is a lot more involved in trading in a car to a dealership than selling from the curb, they have to by law make sure it passes all safety inspections and offer an implied warranty. I would never sell private party - too much of a pain for the extra money.

If you were to buy the car then you would have to pay the money to transfer the title plus plates (tags) and also put insurance on it so someone can test drive it. Then you have the headache of having to show it to every lackadaisical who calls and wants it for dime on dollar, don't ever let someone test drive without you being there or they will steal parts off it around the next corner.

As far as the rest of the stuff he has he sounds like me, I have $10,000 dollars worth of neat electrical items - but only once in 30 years have I ever found a person willing to pay even a reasonable price for them - so I just keep them, be prepared to build a bigger garage.

I always watch craiglist and freecycle, craigslist is iffy and freecycle never seems to have anything but thousands of requests for stuff that nobody would ever give away.


Power Conserver
Jul 16, 2008
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Mexican border in AZ.
My parents do a lot of investing. A couple years ago they bought a house in a small subdivision and totally decked it out. I'm sure if we weren't in a recesion, the house would've gone up a good amount in value. But sadly, values going down every month. They also have a bunch of antique furniture in their house. I'm not sure if they're looking to sell them or what.

I invest in my chickens a lot. At the feed store, I always look for the best chicks and take them home. Then, if they're good quality, I can sell them at the county fair for about $5-20.


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 18, 2009
Reaction score
Northern Frontline
I have to be honest. I come by this due to the envirnement I was brought up in. I was poor poor poor when I was a kid. Learned to barter at very early age. Since then I have always been a wheeler and dealer. After I got on the internet. I was flipping things like crazy. Collectables are the best. My first internet sale back in 1998 was 250.00 in 30 mins. Turned a gijoe toy that I bought for 1 dollar in to 250.00 and some extra joes the guy offered. Turned those joes and cash into a trailer full of toys. Then kept flipping them into stuff I wanted and needed. I deal in gijoe toys, 80s toys transformers, star wars, magic the gathering GW products video games, comics, etc etc etc. Started a gaming store from it all too. Opened a 25mm terrain company to co-inside with the tabletop product and made a mint at the keep and pulled out just intime. Got a house, car, nice family property and a house full of nice stuff from it. That is one hell of a flip. I know only deal in guns and silver and such. I dabble in gaming stuff but it's a real hobbie now. EBAY is helpful but third party forums like this are better. No fees . After you establish a rep you can do very well. I never send first. I don't have too.

I can go on and on about flipping stuff. I feel I do it very well on-line and in reality. Don This is my latest ebay feedback Now it's just a personal hobbie account.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
I flip stuff, too, mostly poultry :lol: and other livestock, but we've flipped other things, too.

I also barter barter barter. I'll trade something I have that someone else wants/needs for something I need/want.

Like I traded a White Pekin Drake that cost me $1.25 for a Buff Brahma Bantam hen that should have cost me $5 :D

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