I'm the only one in my family that seems to enjoy woodworking. My father dabbled in it a little but it was more for necessity than enjoyment. He could do small home improvement projects but he was always accident prone.
Both of my grandfathers worked with wood. My dad also loves to make things with wood. I work with 3 other cousins on wood crafts. So yes, a lot of my family works with wood and we all love it.
My grandfather was a master cabinetmaker trained in England. Although I never knew him, as he died before I was born, I believe he has passed his woodworking gene on to me. My dad was a great wood worker and I learned much of what I know from him. He did all the cabinetwork in our kitchen out of knotty pine. It was the most wonderful kitchen I have ever seen. I miss him so much.
I'm also the only one in my family. I wish I had someone in the family to ask all my woodworking questions to. I've had to teach myself all I know (with the help of many tutorials).
I'm the only woodworker in my family. My wife's family worked in cement and my dad was not handy with tools at all, unfortunately. I do have a couple of good friends who have workshops so I can rely on them for help when necessary.
I'm the only one who enjoys to the extent that I do, but my dad, uncle, and grandfather were all very handy and could build things when they needed to. I think they did it more out of necessity though whereas I find it therapeutic.