Woot! I got 6 fuzzy butts yesterday. 2 EE's, 2 production reds, and 2 white Plymouth rocks. They are all supposed to be pullets. I started putting ACV in their water right off. They are just getting medicated chick starter, but I am really anticipating getting to feed them other things. They are already scratching in the pine shavings. So cute! I read over on BYC that they should be at least two weeks old before giving them anything besides chick starter. Is this correct? I can't give you pics because I am techno-challenged. but I'm sure you can picture how they look. Now I'll have to think of names.............
I adored my chickens, they were so great, I was sad to get rid of them when we moved.
Wifey....they would be eating all sorts of things if they were outside with their momma....scratching all all, but without grit they can't process many things. That is why it is advised to wait.
you can feed them other stuff when they're little, they just might not really eat it right away and you have to tear it up pretty small for them. a momma hen would normally do that for them. if you do give them other stuff, make sure you either provide chick grit (basically it's normal grit only smaller, sometimes they color it red to encourage them to eat it) or put them on dirt so they can find their own little stones.
I have some really fine grit, just haven't given any to them yet. I agree that if they were with a momma hen, they would be getting natural food. They sure act like they want to scratch and dig for something. Thanks, y'all, for the congrats.