Late For Supper
Opinion on this? Truth or scam? of the biggest promoters of soy juice is the Not Milk man - a.k.a. Robert Cohen. Cohen is prolific in his rants attacking milk and dairy products. Hes a darling of the radical animal rights movement (which opposes dairy products because of the subjugation of cows which they claim is immoral because it exploits animals) and various other alternative health nuts who help to amplify Cohens various claims - which range from falsely linking milk to cancer to asserting that milk is bad for your bones.The Not Milk Man (Ill dub him Soy Boy), his buddies at PETA and their front group Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine are lobbying to replace cows milk with soy products in school lunch programs. Soy Boy goes as far as to claim that inner-city violence is due to the serving of free milk to poor kids at public schools. Whats with all these nut jobs and fear profiteers? Cohen even attacks commercially prepared soy milk as being as dangerous as cows milk! Only Soy Boys natural, fresh soy milk production method apparently is good enough as he claims other soy milk has added acids which are the same chemicals used to de-ice airplanes and which can strip the skin off your hands Yum! As a result, the commercial soy juice industry has enlisted the support of some of the vegetarian activist groups they help fund to call Cohen a fraud and a charlatan. Watch out when the vegetarian activists get you in their sights (something Im a little familiar with), because they can be mean and vicious with those who cross or disagree with them.They claim Soy Boy Cohen has a propensity for fabricating scientific data which has time and again been shown to be not only worthless, but potentially dangerous. His character and background make him highly unsuited to be an advocate for a dairy-free or vegetarian lifestyle or anything else, for that matter. Geez, how bad must you be to be called dangerous and unsuitable by groups which support terrorism to promote their extremist views? Here are few of the links they provide claiming Cohen is even too nuts for them:Robert Cohen and Integrity by Steven Kaufman MD Honest Advocacy by Syd Baumel Dangerous Disinformation by Stephen Walsh PhD Spinning Out of Control: Vegans Say No to Extreme notmilk Spin by Syd Baumel The Sad Truth About Robert Cohen (definitive & exhaustive article) Using Fake College Degrees to Sell Books by Jeff Nelson Bashing White Wave & Selling Soymilk Makers Using Animal Studies Cohen Defends His White Wave Attack Of course, other more rational outside observers consider this battle between Soy Boy and extremist vegetarian opponents a battle of wits between disarmed opponents. Dont get me wrong, I dont oppose soy or any use of it - its a great source of protein and grown by thousands of outstanding family farmers. However, these farmers arent out there irresponsibly bashing milk like Soy Boy is doing to sell his soy juice extractor, or the extremists who want us to abandon all forms of animal agriculture and give cows the right to sue people.