General Planning for the Upcoming Season

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
I think many of us are -- need to be -- reviewing life. ;) Hoping this better weather continues here at my farm! I have been having a heavier work schedule, earlier than norm, and can't say that I'm liking it. I do like the paychecks! And I have 3 months of "busy season" left. But I'm using this bonus $$ to good advantage.

Biggest concern is getting my garden going, some extra planting for fall/winter farm income and animal feed. If it would slack raining I'd be feeling better about it!
Thinking I'd like to get a load of topsoil...fill winter mud holes in yards, fill containers for some plantings, etc. Have a tiny list of a few seed I want, will order this weekend. Would love to start some seed next week!! Would love a great garden, and time to enjoy it this summer work off farm slows dramatically in summer, so I need to use the time here.

For spring, I have a fence project planned.....should have the rolls of fence coming in within next 30 days. That will be a welcome event for some goat areas. With animals, fence is a constant!!!

I am going to hot wire everyone OUT of my garden!!!!!!! The fence is up, not the hot.😁
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Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
For gardening doing the usual, not much if anything "new". Still plan on fence and sheep. But there's lots of other things to do this upcoming season.

I did take a look in the soul searching mirror pre say. I didn't like what I seen. So I've personally committed to improving myself this upcoming season. However long that season may be...


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I got 50 CCX chicks 3 days ago, the madness has begun.

With the once in 100 years winter storms we had, 2 ice storms and snow 3 times for a total of 10 inches of snow and even -6 degrees BELOW ZERO, we managed well. Ewes were lambing right before the stormy weather, had 15 new lambs, keeping water was a big problem. None of the new babies froze to death, not even the one born during an ice storm.

But these storms showed me the BIG holes in our survival and I do not like it. I have made a decision that will take 2-3 years to to bring forth. I'll be dragging my husband along as he does NOT like change and has a tendency to dig in his heels like a boat anchor, but I will just do it anyway, like I always do. When I head off in a direction, trying to stop me is like spitting in the wind.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
I got 50 CCX chicks 3 days ago, the madness has begun.

With the once in 100 years winter storms we had, 2 ice storms and snow 3 times for a total of 10 inches of snow and even -6 degrees BELOW ZERO, we managed well. Ewes were lambing right before the stormy weather, had 15 new lambs, keeping water was a big problem. None of the new babies froze to death, not even the one born during an ice storm.

But these storms showed me the BIG holes in our survival and I do not like it. I have made a decision that will take 2-3 years to to bring forth. I'll be dragging my husband along as he does NOT like change and has a tendency to dig in his heels like a boat anchor, but I will just do it anyway, like I always do. When I head off in a direction, trying to stop me is like spitting in the wind.

A couple of points from a "guy perspective" that may help...

1. It is very true most guys do not like change. But loving re-assurance and a little logical conversation goes a long long ways towards gaining cooperation and even commitment twords a common goal.

2. (I) myself at a very young age realized just how stubborn I am by nature. I was never right in my childhood. Because even family friends would say "Something ain't right with that boy!". I could have married more than 1/2 a dozen different woman at the time. But I chose a VERY STRONG willed woman to be my wife. Because I knew deep down in my heart for me to succeed in life I needed a soul mate to challenge my natural tendency to be stubborn. I got exactly, what I needed. A very vocal, independent, sassy, strong willed, loving wife.

3) Just happened last night... My wife asked me to take her into town to pick out some berry bushes we agreed upon months ago to plant. She also had a doctor appointment earlier in the day and had prescriptions waiting to be picked up.

Now... I like people, so I always try and talk to people and I will go out of my way, to get a smile or a laugh out of someone. When it was our turn at the pharmacy drive up window. The pharmacy tech told me the total. And I'm like what? He repeated the amount and told the total of each prescription. One co-pay was very high, the other was less than a dollar. Then he said, this is what is wrong in america, the prescription she really needs to live is high, but pain pills are dirt cheap. I said to him, well it's a good thing I'm in love.

I spoke the truth, my wife who was in the passenger seat knows it's 100% true also. Even after 35,000 years of marriage, I'm still madly in love with her, just as I was when we took our vows. I am not ashamed to say it, in public or to anyone. The pharmacy tech busted out laughing and said, "no one has ever said that to me before, I most always get complaints. You have some kind of something special going on, that I hope one day I will be able to find."

Am I perfect? Absolutely not! But my point here is - (My) Love covers (my) imperfections.
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Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
1. It is very true most guys do not like change. But loving re-assurance and a little logical conversation goes a long long ways towards gaining cooperation and even commitment twords a common goal.

We have had conversations and he can see that this house is unsustainable. He is not seeing the future the same way I am. I will outlive him, he is 10 years older. Then I'll be on my own and I want things to be as easy on me as I can make it.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
1. It is very true most guys do not like change. But loving re-assurance and a little logical conversation goes a long long ways towards gaining cooperation and even commitment twords a common goal.

We have had conversations and he can see that this house is unsustainable. He is not seeing the future the same way I am. I will outlive him, he is 10 years older. Then I'll be on my own and I want things to be as easy on me as I can make it.

Everyone is different, with unique circumstances. It's because of this, I like people and find them interesting. Truth is... We all have to do what works for ourselves, our families and those around us.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
@baymule any chance you could/would consider building a house to replace your current home? Of course, you may have a better option for both land and location. :idunno

Then, there's the DD and grands moving around.....I suspect that they may move a few more times, somewhere. Youngsters! At some point, we get over it and stay put! :old😁.

I'm going to work my garden area another year or so, milk the goats and smell the roses.....right here! Of course, I'd have to plant roses! Maybe just smell apple blossoms....:lol:
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Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Since I mentioned apple blossoms, I went out to very quickly check the two trees. Looks like I may have buds to leaf soon. Will do a better inspection this weekend when I have more time. Last two years no fruits due to weather. It looks better for possible plums and apples since we didn't get the week of heat in Feb to make them leaf and bloom, then killing storms to destroy blooms.

I'm hopeful. 😁 🤔