We have been contemplating getting central air for quite some time and I think we are finally ready to take the leap. Can anyone recommend a good quality brand of AC unit that won't break the bank?
There are a lot of good energy efficient ac units available nowadays. If you need to buy a new ac, always look for an energy efficient model. Good quality room air conditioners are 10% more efficient and qualified central units are about 15% more efficient than standard models. If you are air conditioner is getting old, there is no need to call an ac repair Expert. Buying a better and energy efficient ac is always the best choice.
Every unit has some different type of configuration and the home structure and outside temperature also matters a lot in the working of the AC. The size matters too. And I think that small size ac consumes less power and works really good with a bigger life span.
Well, in this era you will AC with amazing features, but yes you need to take care of the brand. What type of AC are you looking to have duct or ductless AC? For the interior go for the ductless AC.