What do you think about gold as an investment? I know a lot of people are doing it... wonder if it's to protect their assets or as an investment opportunity?
I've always thought gold and silver was a great idea. It's fairly stable. Actually, if it's down right now it would be a good idea to invest. Last time I thought about doing it, a year later it skyrocketed to being worthy triple what it was when I had the initial thought. Unfortunately, I didn't invest
I think when you buy gold, it's for the stability and speculation of the rise in its price. I think having a portion of your portfolio in gold is a good protection strategy.
Historically there are plenty of examples of gold performing well.
With the economy as it is right now, the people that are doing it are most likely protecting their assets. In my opinion, it's a good idea to do if you can afford the time and money involved with "investing" in it. I mean, either way you look at it, it's an investment.
Right now, gold is extremely expensive. Moreover, I feel that the quality of gold is no good these days. I got a bangle a few months back, and it is already bent. Perhaps purchasing gold when it is cheap is a great idea, provided you want to sell it when the price goes up. Personally, I prefer real estate to gold as investment.