the funny farm6
Super Self-Sufficient
well i got my anniversery gift... a sportsmans incubator! i was going to order one new but on craigslist found one used for sale. so we made a 3 hr trip to des moines and stayed the night and did other shopping you can only do in a big city. we got there to look at the incubator and he had 10 set up and told me i could pick the one i wanted. i got one he had used 1 time and didnt even use the hatcher on the bottom, the hatchers were still wraped from the factory! very clean- if he hadent of told me he used it i would have sworn it was new and never used! new one was going to cost me over $700.00 and i got this one for $325.00. got it home yesterday and let it warm up over night so i am going to plug it in today! should be able to start putting eggs in next week! yay
also found a store called "half price books" and got storeys guide to raising ducks for $5.00, the complete encyclopedia of chickens for $6.00, backyard farming for $8.00, and an issue of backyard chickens for $1.00. all new. ( i have a book fetish )
also found a store called "half price books" and got storeys guide to raising ducks for $5.00, the complete encyclopedia of chickens for $6.00, backyard farming for $8.00, and an issue of backyard chickens for $1.00. all new. ( i have a book fetish )