Hey from Georgia!


Power Conserver
Aug 13, 2011
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Hi y'all! My name is Dawn.
I am from Pine Mountain Valley, Georgia! It's a really small town with a great history.
If you like history read on... if not you might want to stop reading now.
During the great depression Franklin D Roosevelt was regularly visiting the warm springs in Georgia for help with his polio. While here he built a "little white house" in Warm Springs, Georgia just on the edge of what is now FDR State Park. He also fell in love with the valley of land that laid between Pine Mountain to the north and Oak Mountain to the south. As part of his second 'new deal' he created a works program that would develop Pine Mountain Valley and put men to work in the CCC's (Civilian Conservation Corps).
The soil in PMV was just about played out from the constant planting of corn and other crops that require so much from the soil. But, he saw what the valley could be. He started an irrigation project, which led to the Pine Mountain Valley resettlement project in 1934. Through his works program there were 220 homes built for impoverished families from all over the state of Georgia and Alabama. They also built a chicken farm, cattle barns, slaughterhouse, 2 canning factories, ice house and a small church that served all denominations. They also built the buildings that house the offices, cabins, information center and community buildings at Roosevelt State Park. The families that moved here were sold a house (with electricity and indoor plumbing - a big deal at the time), 15 acres of land, a chicken coop and a barn for $1997.00. They also had access to the public buildings including a school for their children. They say that a big flat bed truck used to come by the houses in the morning and pick the kids up for school, no buses and certainly no seat belts on the back of a flatbed truck! It was not unusual at all for the president to ride through the valley and stop to talk to you while you were in your garden. The kids put on programs for him from the front of the school steps.
My family and I still live in one of the original "valley houses" ours was built in 1934. Our son is the 5th generation of this family to live in PMV and a descendant of one of the original settlers. When my husband asked me to marry him in 1993 he told me that if I ever wanted to live any where else not to marry him because this was God's county and he could never leave it. I agreed.
So, that is me.
We live a very simple life. We have a nice sized garden, 20 hens (and a mama hen that is sitting on 11 more eggs as we speak), I love to make as much as I can from scratch, I am always canning something! I love this life! God is good all the time!!
Nice to meet all of you!


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
oh Dawn that sounds so wonderful! Your love for your home shines through your post! welcome to SSF


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 31, 2009
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Middle Georgia
Welcome! We live about an hour from Warm Spring, in fact I almost took a nursing job down there this spring.


Power Conserver
Aug 13, 2011
Reaction score
mandieg4 said:
Welcome! We live about an hour from Warm Spring, in fact I almost took a nursing job down there this spring.
Mandieg4, It is a beautiful area. Warm Springs is not what it used to be though. It used to be a quaint little town with tons of gift shops to walk through and visit the little white house. A tourist town to the max but a really sweet one. Now, however, it is a biker town. Someone that is also involved with Sturgis, SD came and opened a motorcycle museum there and now the whole town is nothing but bikers and biker hangouts. That is fine if that is what you're into and I really don't mean to step on anyone's toes but it nothing like the quiet little town it used to be.

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