Hi From Costa Rica


Sustainable Newbie
Jun 6, 2011
Reaction score
Costa Rica
Lady Henevere said:
My family has vacationed in Costa Rica and we loved it. Such beauty there. What sort of farming are you doing? Welcome to the site!
The farm is about 2,000 meters (6,000 feet) above sea level and is very mountainous. At this time we have only experimented with potatoes, lettuce, onions, carrots, several varieties of herbs. We have also planted a local berry called Mora (something like a blackberry and a raspberry). We are looking for a variety of mountain avocado and have a few tea plants which seem to like the altitude. Coffee should also work.

Once the farm becomes more habitable, we will be planting virtually all of our crops in greenhouses using hydroponics.

We are also reclaiming some 30 acres of pasture which had been abandoned for many years and last week one of our first (of only two) pure-bred Simmental cows just had her first calf. This breed is quite interesting and here is a link if you don't know anything about them: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simmental_Cattle

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