Just buy as much cream as you can in the spring when the grass is growing rapidly, and again in the fall if you have a local grass growing spurt. Make it all into butter and store it in the freezer. Then use this butter for everything! That is what I would do, anyways. I eat enough fat that I could probably get enough of the good components into me. Sam might need a bit of a concentrate to bring her body up to speed, then eating the regular butter from cows on rapidly-growing grass would likely be enough to maintain.
I'd also dole it out throughout the year if I couldn't get enough to make butter for the entire year. For example, if I could make twelve pounds in the spring, I'd open one pound on a certain date each month. If I could make 26 lbs, I'd open one every other week on the same day. Then use whatever butter the rest of the time.
That spring butter will be so rich and good....remember, traditional societies had it once a year, too. Although my Memere made it and filled large crocks and stored it in the cool basement. I don't know if it lasted all year, though. I'll see if my dad remembers.
I'd freeze it, though, since I'm not an experienced butter maker, and if you leave even the slightest amount of water in it, it will spoil. It is too precious to risk it, and we have the advantage of having freezers at our disposal nowadays.
She is exactly who I'm feeding this goodness to. Her brain took quite a beating and we are still dealing with the after effects.
I had to drive quite a ways to get the cream b/c they don't distribute it yet. It doesn't even have a label on it yet. Boy golly, I bought all their cream for the day (3 pints) so I could get the most out of that drive. Pretty drive actually, right along the base of the Olympic Mountain Range, so it was a sort of a drive with benefits.
Call them in advance to see if you can get more! I'd be willing to bet that they will sell you a larger quantity if you want it, like a gallon or something!
The oils is extracted by centrifuge, and it takes something like 20 gallons of milk to make a little bottle of the oil.
So, no you can't make it at home
Oh my! :/ Well I have the high vitamin butter oil ordered, I suppose it will have to do. That along with all the other raw dairy products such as butter and kefir. (I just gave her a big spoonfull of homemade ghee. It tastes like buttered popcorn, without the corn.)