holy vicious attack cat, batman!!!


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
I have a cat that does this or something similar. Once my dog got hurt and I put him in the crate so I could call the vet. I was holding him down with one hand so he couldn't injure himself more, holding the phone with the other hand....he started to scramble on the plastic crate floor and the cat came out of nowhere, howling like a wild thing and whacking the crate! The vet panicked because she couldn't make out the noise and thought the dog was having seizures!! :p

This cat has done this many times over the years...one time I was trying to get a tangle out of the coon cat's cheek hair (he comes to me and asks for that and puts up with a lot of pulling!) and he squawked when I pulled too hard....the other cat ran down from upstairs to spank the poor kitty who just got his cheek hair pulled, poor puzzled kitty!

I could go on and on....it is like he's telling everyone that he insists on peace in his house, so cry quietly or ELSE.

Cats=crazy! :lol:


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
Did you ever have one of those backyard garbage pails when you were a kid? Ours had a bucket with a handle inside a buried bucket, and there was a lid with a foot lever to open it...maybe cast iron. We dumped food scraps in there daily, and once a week a garbage truck would come by and the guy would empty it.

We had a cat who would jump up on the windowsill and wait for him each week, and howl and growl at him through the window. It was a hoot.


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
Hot Springs, Arkansas
We had a old house that had a red brick ledge that ran under the windows on the front. We also had a tabby cat that helped raise us kids. Our sweet Tabby loved to watch the world while stretched out in the sunlight. On that little cat sized ledge. By the door and the mailbox. Since it was perfectly proportioned for a kitty and gave a great view of the world, it was Her Spot. She wanted to spend her day protecting the home from her nice little spot. Smart people know to not mess with a kitties favorite spot without good reason. After all, people that are not their family, rarely succeed with this.
The only problem with this was the mailman. That mailbox was further into her turf than she was willing to let him approach. Period. He really believed that he was supposed to put the mail inside the box.
She needed to retrain that mailman. He'd come up by the door, reach out to the lid, and she'd swat him a good one. They eventually worked out a compromise. He left the mail on the ledge - right by the edge of the house- , about 10 feet away. She allowed him to keep the skin on his arms after that. We were nice and never laughed about it in front of him. We still never had any missing mail. Evidently, she didn't let anybody else too close either.

She also liked to sit on top of the wall, between our property and the Bad Neighbors house. She walk back and forth on the wall looking down at the confirmed cat killer big dog next door. She loved making him lunge and not quite be able to reach, till he was worn out from barking and jumping. Tormenting him was that little extra something that helped make her life special. ;) She never struck him that we know of, but he didn't get her either.

She also occasionally gave us presents to prove her hunting abilities. 4 different grown snakes and a baby one. Always displayed just inside the kitchen door. She didn't take the easy way out either, by hauling in an almost dead snake. She liked to keep the challenge in the game, of course. They all had plenty of squirm left in 'em. I miss her- She had style.


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
Hot Springs, Arkansas
Great job on the pies. You're making me want to do some. I need some little pie pans and something to use for the crust. Doing a trial period without gluten. Don't want to buy a bunch of alternative stuff till I know if it's needed.

Amira sounds great. She will keep her Mama safe. Hope the other kitty is all recovered.


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
Hot Springs, Arkansas
I'm allergic to peanut, so I'm supposed to avoid all nuts in case of cross contamination. :hide It also makes a higher risk of having a reaction to other nuts, since the proteins are similar. :/ I checked the cupboard and realized that this is really bad timing to try the gluten free period. I already did the grocery shopping for the rest of the month. I' ll have to start it after the next grocery day.

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