I did a search, and found a comment about taking apart a wire clothes hanger onto which to string canning rings, but I'm looking for other ways to store them. I've almost doubled my number of canning jars with my recent kijiji deals and they all came with rings. A the moment then are piled in two plastic dishpans, but I would like to keep them clean and dry (they are in the basement--we have a very arid climate here in southern AB but the basement is a bit humid compared to the rest of the house, plus we have a whole-house humidifier connected to our furnace and this will kick in sometime in September when the temps drop).
Any ideas?
Also, wondering how to best store buckets of grains and beans. I have 5 and 6 gallon buckets that I've been collecting and I recently ordered and received some of the Gamma seal lids so we can actually get into them without breaking our fingers, but I've read that you shouldn't store plastic directly on top of concrete basement floors--except that I don't know why? Should I just put wood blocks under them, or do they need more than that?
I may store them in my basement guest room with my canning shelves, and this room is carpeted (pad and shaggy carpet over cement floor)--the shaggy carpet is my concern. We hope to remove it in a few years and just paint the floor and add an area rug for coziness for guests (my parents live out of town and come for extended visits) because the carpet, although newish (not our choice, came with the house), bothers my asthma if I spend time in that room so I think the humidity may mean that there is mold or something under the carpet pad.
Hope that makes sense, and thanks in advance for any ideas!
Any ideas?
Also, wondering how to best store buckets of grains and beans. I have 5 and 6 gallon buckets that I've been collecting and I recently ordered and received some of the Gamma seal lids so we can actually get into them without breaking our fingers, but I've read that you shouldn't store plastic directly on top of concrete basement floors--except that I don't know why? Should I just put wood blocks under them, or do they need more than that?
I may store them in my basement guest room with my canning shelves, and this room is carpeted (pad and shaggy carpet over cement floor)--the shaggy carpet is my concern. We hope to remove it in a few years and just paint the floor and add an area rug for coziness for guests (my parents live out of town and come for extended visits) because the carpet, although newish (not our choice, came with the house), bothers my asthma if I spend time in that room so I think the humidity may mean that there is mold or something under the carpet pad.
Hope that makes sense, and thanks in advance for any ideas!