Wild Hare
How much $ do you need to buy 20-ish acres and build a modern house (plumbing, heat, A/C, electricity, cable TV), and outbuildings debt-free? Or close to debt-free. A loan is a possibility. A huge mortage is not.
I just got a part-time job. Not paid enough, lol. BUT my fiance pays all the bills, so I can save A LOT of this money. $60,000 (not including interest earned in 10 years.
What do you think? Set aside more $ for savings? I have about $200/mo earmarked for clothes, hobbies, gifts, etc. I have to catch up on clothes shopping, but after that I don't think I will use that much!
I'll still work a little bit on the side to earn my bellydance class and costuming which I didn't want to write into my budget at $70+/month.
I just got a part-time job. Not paid enough, lol. BUT my fiance pays all the bills, so I can save A LOT of this money. $60,000 (not including interest earned in 10 years.
What do you think? Set aside more $ for savings? I have about $200/mo earmarked for clothes, hobbies, gifts, etc. I have to catch up on clothes shopping, but after that I don't think I will use that much!
I'll still work a little bit on the side to earn my bellydance class and costuming which I didn't want to write into my budget at $70+/month.