How much space per chicken?


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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How much space in the coop/run do you give your chickens? Or, more precisely, what would be your maximum number of chickens within a given space under normal circumstances?
When I first got chickens I did a lot of research over on BYC, and learned that the recommended amount is 4 sq. ft each in the coop, and 10 sq. ft in the run, with more being better. I was getting 6 chickens, so built an 8'x4' coop, and the run is about 100 sq ft. Last year I had to separate the flock, and built another coop, 4'x4', but the run is about 300-350 sq ft. So, according to the above formula, my maximum is 12 birds.
The reason I am asking the question is that recently one of my hens went (unexpectedly) broody, and hatched out 4 chicks, bringing my present total to 13. Assuming that at least one is a rooster that probably means that the eventual number will be 12 - just right! Except that she might go broody again, and I have a Buff Orp, pullet, and understand that they often go broody. So I'd like to know just how many I could reasonably fit in my space before having to think of chicken dinners. I'd like to keep as many as I am able, but cannot a)build another coop, or b)make the runs larger. The birds have 24/7 access to the runs from the coops - pop door is always open, and the runs are secure. They also are let out to range most days when we are home (not if we are away from home for vacation etc.). Both coops have 2 4' roosts, though they always go to the highest making it, effectively, just 1 4' roost. I intend to put another roost lengthwise into the larger coop, adding 8'. I should also maybe add that the climate here is mild, though wet; the coops are elevated so that they can be outside, but still have shelter from the rain. They really only go inside to roost.
I remember reading somewhere on SS that many of you would stuff quite a few birds into a smaller space in a SHTF scenario, but here I am just talking about normal circumstances. I don't want to crowd the birds to the point of illness/unhappiness, but am wondering how many of you *fudge* on the 4sq ft per bird formula.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
rural Abilene, KS, 67410 USA
IMO, I don't see anything wrong with what you have going on.
I believe in the 4 sq. ft. thing, too, but I have never maxed out my flock, so they have more room than that. There are some days when it's so bitterly cold that I will keep them inside the coop, so I don't want to pack 'em in there.

But since your weather is mild, and they're basically only in the coop to roost, why not? If the run is a little too packed for them, some will be in the coop.

Do you have a feeder and waterer in the run, too? That would be my only concern - if they were all trying to pack together to get food and water when they aren't free ranging.


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
Thanks Marianne. No the food and water are outside, with the feeder under the coop to stay dry. The runs are actually bigger (per bird) than the coops - I think the bigger one could take up to 30 birds comfortably, though its coop is really only large enough for 4; there are 8 in their right now, but 4 of them are the 7 week chicks, they'll be re-arranged in a few weeks. The coops are really only used for roosting, and laying eggs.

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