StoneBridge Farm
Power Conserver
I am ecstatic today! My church gave me their playground equipment! They said it was a liability...and it's not wood either..try steel!!!
I got:
teeter totters
monkey bars
tire swing
6 swing, swing set
multi-level flip bars
single flip bar
balance beam
teather ball
Oh and I got 3 truck loads of fire wood and some free seeds!
How Awesome Is That!!!!????
Just thought I would share my blessings today! I am so stoked!!!! :bun
I got:
teeter totters
monkey bars
tire swing
6 swing, swing set
multi-level flip bars
single flip bar
balance beam
teather ball
Oh and I got 3 truck loads of fire wood and some free seeds!
How Awesome Is That!!!!????
Just thought I would share my blessings today! I am so stoked!!!! :bun