Almost Self-Reliant
The boys and I picked black berries for about two hours yesterday and ended up with a gallon of blackberries. Now if only I can find my darn jelly jars and my new lids, I can get cracking on my first ever jam! My mom used to make it a lot when I was really little, but this will be my first expedition. I'm using dutch gel since it's so much cheaper in bulk than the $2-$3 boxes. I have about 3-4lbs of the dutch gel, so I'll be ready for whatever other blackberries we pick and blueberries and elderberries when they come in! I might even try to find time to go current berry picking to make a small batch of that. The boys may eat that, but if not, my brother has always loved that yucky stuff, lol. So... Any advice? I have never canned anything and have never made jams/jellies so sounds like a good introduction to the world of canning and preserving (besides freezer and fridge).