Lovin' The Homestead
I started my first batch of eggs in the incubator on 14th. So day 18 is on the 1st. Do I take the automatic turner out on the 31st? or the morning of the 1st?
If it makes you feel any better, that is just like my first few experiences incubating, only I was probably worsemandieg4 said:We had a mishap with the thermostat on day 3 and the incubator got up to 120 for a couple minutes. I candled a couple days ago and saw two moving, but that was it. I've pulled 12 out so far that I thought were not developing, but when I cracked them open all but three looked like they were on scheduleThe eggs are all brown shells and it's really hard to see anything so I just left the eggs that I wasn't sure about in there. I just hope nothing explodes