From reading on a google search,there seems to be plenty of opinions on longer term roasted coffee bean storage. Since i already purchased a number of 2 lb bags of roasted beans on sale, its sink or swim at this point.
The coffee is packaged in bags with the gas relief valves.On the bags, its noted best used by apirl 2011.I know that light, heat,moisture and oxygen are not good things for storage.From what i've read doing the google search, i should leave the coffee in its original packaging,then ad more protection, then freeze.
This is my plan.When i have determined that most or all the gases have escaped through the built in relief valve,i plan to place each two lb.bag as bought into mylar bags with a oxygen aborber, seal and then freeze.I have a freezer in the basement that i don't open very much, that is where i will store the coffee beans.
My question is, for those who have done this, or another method that works, am i wasting my time..? I don't often buy, than store, before researching.This time i couldn't resist the sale ( 4 lbs of 100% Columbian roasted coffee beans for $13.98)
From what i gathered, i guess its best to buy bulk, green,unroasted beans than store for long term and roast my own when needed..? This way in the event of a coffee shortage, i have a stash. Please share your experiences and knowledge on the subject...thanks....Kevin
The coffee is packaged in bags with the gas relief valves.On the bags, its noted best used by apirl 2011.I know that light, heat,moisture and oxygen are not good things for storage.From what i've read doing the google search, i should leave the coffee in its original packaging,then ad more protection, then freeze.
This is my plan.When i have determined that most or all the gases have escaped through the built in relief valve,i plan to place each two lb.bag as bought into mylar bags with a oxygen aborber, seal and then freeze.I have a freezer in the basement that i don't open very much, that is where i will store the coffee beans.
My question is, for those who have done this, or another method that works, am i wasting my time..? I don't often buy, than store, before researching.This time i couldn't resist the sale ( 4 lbs of 100% Columbian roasted coffee beans for $13.98)
From what i gathered, i guess its best to buy bulk, green,unroasted beans than store for long term and roast my own when needed..? This way in the event of a coffee shortage, i have a stash. Please share your experiences and knowledge on the subject...thanks....Kevin