Mail Order


Lovin' The Homestead
May 19, 2011
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I started couponing earlier this year, and have realized very significant savings. However, my fantasy is to not have to shop for non-food items, like, ever again, and to just order everything online and have it delivered to my door. Especially since couponing almost always involves a pretty significant amount of driving, and many of us here live in rural and/or remote areas, I was thinking of this thread being a place where we can discuss cost effective mail order options, as a way to save time shopping and money in gas. Sadly, I have not found,, or to be cost effective.

Razors: Dollar Shave Club

These are Gillette Sensor-type cartridges, but they are marketed under the "Ninja" brand name and manufactured by Schick. You get the handle and 125 cartridges for $30, postage paid, so 25c per cartridge, versus $2.50 (retail) per cartridge for Mach3, ProGlide, or Venus.

Another good way to go is to get on eBay and buy an old fashioned DE safety razor. The going rate is about $10. DE razor blades can also be had on eBay. They cost about 10c per blade.

Towels and Robes: Cotton Age

I like the waffle weave stuff, because it dries FAST. This is the type of fabric used throughout much of Europe where dryers are uncommon. I have moved our household to all waffle weave or floursack towels, in white, because they clean up nicely, are very absorbent, and dry in a wink. Next I need to get all white sheets, but that's looking to be $$$ unless someone knows of a great source.

Toothbrushes and Floss: American Dental

Despite the repeated insistence among couponing communities that you need never pay for toothbrushes again, I have not found this to be true. Even with coupons, I typically spend 25c-50c per toothbrush. That's a heckuva lot better than $3, don't get me wrong, but still is not free. We go thru 20 toothbrushes per year (5 people x 4 brushes/yr = 20), more if someone's been sick. I also like having extras around for visitors. So the package of 72 toothbrushes is about a 3 year supply for us, and, at 37c per brush, is like getting the after-coupon price without buying coupons online/buying the paper or any driving around.

Their deals on floss aren't quite as good, but still nothing to sneeze at. Each small floss costs about a quarter. Now, I have been making money on floss at WalMart- $1 off 1 Reach Floss, regular Reach Floss everyday price at WalMart is 88c, so I've been making 12c per floss. But I have to buy the coupons (typically $3 for 10 on eBay) and drive 30 miles round trip to go to Wallworld, which costs me about $4 in gas. So $3 for Qs + $4 in gas = $7 - $1.20 in coupon overage = $5.80 out of pocket. The true price of my "free" Reach floss is about 58c/package, versus 25c/package at American Dental. (Yes, I know that's assuming I make a special trip to WM, which I try not to do, and I do combine errands, but my point is that there is an invisible "gas tax" for most brick-and-mortar shopping.)

I make tooth powder, so I don't buy toothpaste. Also, if you use one of those Reach Action Flossers, STOP BUYING REFILLS and get one of these instead.

That's all I got. I'd love to hear where others order from.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 2, 2011
Reaction score
I have subscribed to Amazon for some of our non-food items. For a while, I needed to just stay out of the grocery store so I wouldn't spend as much. So now I get certain things delivered to my doorstep and don't have to go buy them.


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 18, 2009
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Northern Frontline
I have pondered the coupon game myself but have found when I buy in bulk I save just as much sometimes. My local grocery store is privately owned and not a chain store brand so I can barter pretty good with the owners son. Helps being his friend too. Most of the time I am just paying a handling charge above cost. Sonce there is no man power goign into shleving it why shuldn't I get that savings too. Don

Niele da Kine

Power Conserver
Nov 16, 2010
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Hawaii, "the Big Island"
Unless you buy a lot of stuff at one time, the miscellaneous shipping costs are going to eat you alive. Offset against gas costs to get to town, of course, though so maybe the two will even out. We get a lot of stuff from Azure Standard since it can be shipped via ocean freight so it works for us.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
rural Abilene, KS, 67410 USA
Our needs are pretty basic and simple now. I do the bulk of our shopping locally. The only things I can remember buying online in the last calendar year:

Vitamins and coconut oil from - DH insists on this, he's real anal about his vitamins. Drives me nuts.

Seals for my 30 year old pressure cooker - found them online at a company in MI, then the next month had THREE bogus charges on that credit card to a store in MI. Kinda makes you wonder, huh. All were for X boxes, games, etc. I'd like to smack that kid.

Seeds from Baker Creek in MO.

Vanilla beans from

I try to limit online buying as it takes a lot of fuel to deliver stuff to my door. (But mostly because I'd rather support local businesses so they stay in business.) If I can't find it around here, then I go online.

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