the funny farm6
Super Self-Sufficient
We went to a friends house today. And she was showing me her chickens she is getting ready to butcher. And wow! They look like pit bull chickens. Her hens are dark cornish (she bought strait run last year but they were all hens) so she was given some blue americana roosters. They are bigger (taller) than typical cornish cross, and she completly free ranges them. The hens set. And hatched and raised these chicks. The chicks have only had organic grains that they grew on their farm, never any chicken feed or starter. They have never had any runny poos, and are the heathiest and heavyest birds I think I have ever seen. The pullets that the hens hatched last fall are laying eggs now. It is a pity that she is going to butcher them as they are soooo pritty and unusual colored!
Eta: So to those who would like to breed their own meat birds, this cross does VERY well. The hens are good layers and setters. And their free ranging skills are excelent! They grow slower than the cornish X that you typicly see, but if you wanted them to grow faster they might if you feed chick starter they would probably grow faster.
Eta: So to those who would like to breed their own meat birds, this cross does VERY well. The hens are good layers and setters. And their free ranging skills are excelent! They grow slower than the cornish X that you typicly see, but if you wanted them to grow faster they might if you feed chick starter they would probably grow faster.